27. Greased up

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I wake up the next morning with groggy eyes and a slight headache, and despite the awkward air between me and Nate I feel significantly better for having told Dylan what has been on my chest for the last few years.

I climb out of bed and head into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and jumping in the shower to wash my hair and lather myself up.

I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel, tilting my head upside down and wrapping my hair to dry it off while I apply my moisturiser. I don't have any plans for my day, wondering if there's anything I need to do as I walk back into my bedroom and put on a pair of leggings and a jumper, thick socks on my feet to keep me warm.

I brush through my damp hair and part it in the middle, tucking my bangs behind my ears for shape and letting it air dry as I wander around the house, heading into the kitchen and making myself a cup of tea, leaning against the kitchen side and picking my phone up to see if I've missed anything.

All I see is a text from Sam asking if I'm still okay to work on Friday, he's been worried that I'm going to come back into the bar and freak out but I'm actually looking forward to going back and hopefully being able to ask about the CCTV, hoping that I haven't left it too late.

I sip at my tea, almost burning my tongue in the process and try to ignore the twist in my stomach at the fact that I haven't heard anything from Nate since yesterday, hoping that maybe he's just busy with something, but my mind comes back around to whoever called him last night.

Who is Milly? And why did he just say he was 'busy' no detail about the fact that he was with me, just that he was busy and couldn't go and do whatever she was asking him to do.

Don't overthink it and freak yourself out over something that probably isn't even a big deal.

I turn around and put my empty mug in the sink, moving to find my car keys when a knock rings out on my door. Walking to the door, my stomach drops at the thought that Dylan could be back and now that I'm on my own there's nothing to stop him coming in here and actually hurting me.

I realise my keys are still in my hands and make sure I have them spread out between my fingers before I open the door, looking around it to see who's there but all I can see is a large bunch of daisies. I pull the door open wider and catch the eye of the delivery man who's holding the flowers out to me.

"Delivery for a miss uh, Carter?" he questions, leaning around to look at me.

"That's me" I respond, hesitantly having a slight inkling where these flowers might have come from but not wanting to get my hopes up.

He passes the flowers over to me and says goodbye, leaving me standing here holding the bouquet in front of me, before I realise how strange I probably look stood here like this and turn back into my house and closing the door behind me.

I put the flowers down on the kitchen island and look closer at them, the flowers wrapped in a white, almost sheer material which is shadowed by a light brown colour paper. The flowers are tied together with a dusky pink coloured bow, and I can see a card tucked in the back, pulling it out and opening it to see if it confirms my suspicions of who they might be from.

'I'm sorry, I didn't want to go last night. Give me a chance to make it up to you, Nate x' and it's scrawled in what I assume is his handwriting, making my heart skip at the fact that he remembered my favourite flowers and the fact that he didn't want to go last night.

I feel slightly confused at the fact that he did leave anyway, but I feel confident now to ask him. This thoughtful gesture meaning more to me than I bet he even realised it would, I've never received flowers from anyone before and coming from Nate they somehow mean so much more. 

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