43. Surprise

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"I'm gonna fucking kill him" Nate fumes, tearing his hand from my grip and storming across the garage, pulling his keys from the side and stomping over to the front door,

"Hold on" I say in a rush, running over to stop him leaving and feeling my brows raise as the fierce look in his eyes, brows set in a deep frown.

"Where are you going?" I ask, "Who are you talking about?" and the bitter laugh that escapes his lips has me almost flinching,

"Who the fuck do you think I'm talking about? That piece of shit ex of yours. He obviously has something to do with this" he moves to walk past me but I stop him, hand on his chest and lightly push him back when he tries to move me out of the way.

"Why would Dylan have anything to do with this? He's probably long gone by now after he came to see me" I grab Nate's hand, "I really don't think he has anything to do with this. He's a piece of shit but I don't think he'd take it this far"

I pull Nate after me and head back to Rico, who's shining his torch across the underside of my car with a frown on his face,

"I think your steering wasn't working properly because it looks like someone's messed with it. I think they were aiming for your brake line and hit the pump by mistake. Someone who doesn't know cars very well I'd say" I watch as Nate stands next to Rico, looking up and examining whatever he's pointing at, nodding his head in agreement.

He turns his head to look at me over his shoulder,

"You're coming to stay with me" he tells me,

"I don't know if that's necessary. Maybe whoever did this got the wrong car?" Rico looks at me with sympathy, shaking his head slowly and lowers his torch,

"I don't think so. Do you park this on a driveway?" and I nod, "Yeah see, it's pretty obvious who the car belongs to. This is intentional. They would have known who lived at the house"

I feel like my heart is about to beat out of my chest at the thought that somebody did this to hurt me, maybe even kill me if things went worse and I didn't realise what was going on until it was too late.

"You're staying with me. This isn't up for debate" Nate tells me, pulling me behind him by the hand and telling Rico he'll be back soon,

"Thanks Rico!" I shout out behind me, stumbling after Nate and climbing into his car when he opens the passenger door for me.

"Thanks Rico!" I shout out behind me, stumbling after Nate and climbing into his car when he opens the passenger door for me

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We sit in palpable silence in front of my house, both of us staring ahead as the fact of what happened today sinks in. I watch as Nate tenses and untenses his hands repeatedly on the steering wheel, the leather squeaking under his tight grip and I tentatively rest my hand on his knee,

"I'm sorry" I whisper out.

His head whips towards me so fast I think he might have whiplash, and incredulous look on his face as he looks at me,

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