54. Perv

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We're just finishing off unpacking the boxes, placing my small decorations and pictures around the place when Nate clears his throat, leaning over to put a small plant on the shelf next to the TV.

"How would you feel about working at the garage?" he asks and I turn my head to look at him, noticing how nervous he looks.

"In case you didn't know, I don't know anything about cars" he laughs and shakes his head,

"No. not as a mechanic, I thought maybe you could help us out with the front desk? Help us get a little more organised. Help with ordering parts and that kind of stuff. You're always telling me how messy the front desk is" he shrugs and steps over to me,

"I don't want you to give me a pity job. Don't you think it's weird you would be paying my wages?" I ask, tilting my head up to look at him as he wraps his arms around my waist,

"No, I don't think so. Even if you don't want to work, I earn more than enough to support the both of us" I open my mouth to protest, "I'm not saying you don't have to work, I know you want to. I'm just letting you know that either way we're set"

I contemplate for a minute, really thinking over whether or not it would really be a good idea for us to work together, isn't there some kind of saying about working with your partner?

"I know you're probably worrying about us working together but please don't, we'll be fine. If either of us gets annoyed, we just talk about it. Okay? As for your degree, I know you'll find a job that matches whenever you want to. I need to see you all sciencey at some point, your intelligence is hot as hell"

I laugh at his comment,

"I'm pretty sure you think everything I do is hot as hell at this point" grinning when he nods enthusiastically,

"Abso-fucking-lutely. Now about the job?"

My heart warms knowing that this man wants to provide for me, wants me to be comfortable and happy.

"I think it might be fun" I tell him, laughing when he squeezes me into him tighter and kissing me,

"I can't wait to see you working. You're sexy as hell when you're all serious and professional"

"Keira was right, you are a perv" I tease, slipping out of his arms and picking up the box labelled 'Bedroom – keep out perv' and carrying it up the stairs.

"Where exactly are you going with that box?" I hear behind me, and I turn my head to look down at Nate standing at the bottom of the stairs with his hand resting on the bannister.

"I wonder where I could possibly be taking a box that says Bedroom?"

"This attitude is not appreciated sweetheart"

"You'll get over it"

I squeal when I see him stride up the steps and I turn to run into the bedroom, dropping the box just in front of the bed and trying to escape to the other side of the room but he wraps his arms around me and lifts me off the floor.

"That wasn't very nice" he throws me onto the bed and watches as I bounce, eyes darting down to where my breasts are spilling out over my vest top, catching his bottom lip in his teeth.

"Perv" I tease him, laughing when his eyes dart up to mine and he raises a dark brow at me, squealing when he grabs my ankles and pulls me down the bed towards him.

"You're being awfully rude today" he taunts, looking down at the exposed skin of my stomach where my top has risen after he dragged me across the bed.

"I'm always rude" I tell him, biting my lip when he tuts and shakes his head, tracing his finger across the waist of my leggings,

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