7. Hands

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I wander back into the living room with pizzas in hand, hoping that feeding him will stop his wandering hands for five minutes.

But not really.

He hears me coming and puts his phone down on the table, standing to take one of the plates out of my hand and putting it on the coffee table in front of him. He quickly leans over and moves the cushions next to him, where he then pats the seat, inviting me to sit there I assume.

"Thanks for this, I didn't realise how hungry I actually was until I smelt the food" he puts the end of the slice in mouth barely before his sentence is finished.

I forgo replying to him, picking up my own slice and taking a bite, sitting back in my seat, and pressing play on the TV, ready to watch Dwight do his fire safety presentation. 

Nate leaning back in his own seat next to me, adjusting his position slightly, so our legs conveniently press together. I can feel his warmth from here and it makes me feel cosy.

We finish the pizza and I sit up, moving to collect the dirty plates to take them to kitchen, when a warm hand places itself on my arm,

"Don't, I'll move them now. Relax" he says, shimmying me out of the way to collect the plates for me. And he wanders off towards the kitchen.

A few minutes later he comes back in, water splashed along the bottom of his t-shirt.

"You washed the plates?" I ask tentatively, surely this man hasn't just cleaned up for both of us, without me even asking or expecting him to.

"Uh, yeah. I left the plates in the rack on the side. Didn't want to go searching around your kitchen to put them away" he rubs the back of his neck as he says this, coming back to sit next to me on the couch.

It only takes him a few seconds for him to throw his arm across the top of the couch, behind my shoulders, left hand perched comfortably on the bare skin of my shoulder. Tracing along the line of my strap with his finger, and I feel my skin heating up again.

From the corner of my eye, I see him tilt his head back, resting the back of it on the top of the couch and closing his eyes. I feel guilty suddenly, he's clearly tired and I hope he doesn't feel obligated to sit here with me. But still, my eyes wander his frame, his face, his neck, his broad shoulders, and onto his arms, defined, the muscle straining the arms of his t-shirt.

While I'm busy ogling, his left hand moves up to the back of my neck, like it was in the bar, which makes me move my eyes back up to his face, where his green eyes are open and focused on my face. 

I feel a gentle tug on the back of my neck, and, hoping I've read that signal right, I move closer to him, as his head tilts down towards me, eyes slightly hooded now.

My lip's part involuntary, hoping that I'm not embarrassing myself. He lifts his head off the couch and leans me fully against the back of it in turn, leaning his head in closer to me, eyes on my lips now.

"You want this, right? Tell me if you don't" he murmurs to me, hesitating just in front of my face now.

I nod my head and he presses his lips to mine. 

Gently at first, then when he realises I'm not pulling away, kisses me more firmly. 

Our lips move together for a few moments, when he pulls back and leans back to look in my eyes, checking for any doubts, and when he sees none, he comes back to me. Kissing me hard.

His hand threads through my hair at the side of my head, tongue pushing into my mouth. I place my hand on his leg that he has moved up on to the couch in front of me and a groan comes from his lips, and I feel the vibration against mine. 

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