64. Orders

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There's only a slight rustle as the fabric of my dress gathers on the floor of the bedroom and I'm grateful for the mind I had earlier to put on matching white underwear, the new tan on my skin looking radiant against the light fabric.

Nate's breathing is heavy while he stands and looks at me and I see the bulge in his shorts has grown significantly in the last few moments, his hand rising to touch it over the material over his shorts, something that has heat shooting straight to the place where I want him the most.

He raises his brow at me when I unconsciously rub my thighs together, tilting his head at me before his taunting words leave his lips,

"What's the matter sweetheart? Does me touching myself get that little pussy wet, huh?"

I fight my body's natural reaction to his words, stepping gently closer to him but stopping when he raises his hand to tell me to stop, shaking his head and tutting at me,

"Uh uh" he taunts me, simply pointing over at the bed and nodding his head in that direction, "Sit down"

I wonder for a moment what exactly he's thinking right now but listen regardless, sitting down on the edge of the bed opposite where he still stands, following the movement of his hands as they unfasten his shorts, slipping them down over his hips and stepping out of them.

I can see clearly now the bulge that presses against the tight fabric of his underwear, straining and my eyes dart up to him when he slides his hand along the band of his underwear.

"Touch yourself" he tells me and I falter for a minute, frowning up at him and automatically shaking my head, "No?" he asks, his own movements halting,

"I don't-" I begin, suddenly feeling embarrassed and wanting to cover myself, "I haven't done that with anyone before" I bite out, feeling my cheeks heat,

"Look at me" he tells me gently and I do, "If you really feel uncomfortable you don't have to, baby. It's only me, remember"

It's amazing what those few words actually do to relax me and after a few deep breaths I lean back slightly on the bed, still sat and facing him and feeling a lot more turned on than I previously realised.

I slide my hands across the skin of my stomach and across my thighs, eyes locked on Nate's, loving the slight surprise in his expression at my willingness to do what he wants me to do. My hands find the heat hidden beneath my underwear and I make a point of rubbing myself through the fabric before sliding it to the side and running a finger through my wetness and up to my clit.

"Oh shit" Nate's breathless words spur me on and I lift my right leg onto the bed, tossing my hair behind my shoulder and picking up the pace with my finger, making a show of dipping it inside myself and trailing it back up to my clit.

I tilt my head at Nate in challenge and bite my lip when he slips his hand beneath his underwear and gripping himself, his hand moving slowly beneath the fabric before becoming frustrated with the lack of room and dropping his boxers, stepping out of them and gripping his cock tight.

"Show me what you do to yourself when I'm not around" he bites out, moving his own hand rhythmically while he watches my hand.

I rub faster, knowing exactly what I need to do to get myself over the edge and wanting him to watch me as I do. My finger moves in a swift circle, my breathing heavier as I watch Nate pleasure himself, his own chest heaving while he watches me, and I'm entranced with the way the muscles in his arm ripple with his movements.

I know I'm about to cum and I tell him just that, my head dropping back slightly and my brows furrowing while I watch him step slightly closer to me, eyes flitting between my hand and my face, wanting to see me while I cum.

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