20. In the morning

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I wake up in the morning to the sound of a phone vibrating, and I open my eyes, stretching my arms up over my head.

I'm confused for a brief second, until I remember where I am and a smile rises up on my face as I turn over in search of Nate but find the space next to me empty.

I hear a vibration again and lift my head up glancing around the room for the source of the noise and I spot my phone on Nate's bedside table, plugged in to charge. He must have done it for me this morning when he woke up after I forgot to last night. My heart feels tight all of a sudden.

Something so small, but something that makes me feel important.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and quickly run my fingers through my messy hair, my bobble coming loose in the night, and I sit up, pulling the pillow up behind me as I reach over for my phone. The bedroom door swings open, Nate walking in backwards and when he turns around, I see he's brought a tray upstairs. From here I can see steam rising from a mug but not much else, when he realises I'm awake and stops just in the doorway.

"Hi" I say, feeling shy all of a sudden now that he's here and looking at me with a strange look on his face.

Have I got drool on my chin?

I resist the urge to check and wait for him to reply to me. He steps towards the bed and places the tray down as I see that he's made pancakes, drizzled with chocolate and a cup of tea just next to it.

"For you" he murmurs, gesturing to the tray with both hands, before rubbing the back of his neck and sitting on the edge of the bed.

I'm lost for words for a few moments, breakfast in bed? I don't think I've ever had breakfast in bed. My chest feels tight again, and I smile at him in thanks, picking up the tray and lifting it on to my lap as I sit here.

I pick up the knife and fork and cut a piece, taking a bite, and realising how hungry I actually was.

"These are delicious, thank you" I say to him, and notice the way his shoulders relax at my words, was he nervous? Surely not.

We sit in comfortable silence as I eat, offering him a piece every now and then which he gladly takes off my fork, smiling at me as I hold the fork out to him, and when I finish he takes the tray from my lap and places it on the floor just next to his door, turning to me and pulling me to him.

I land over him, legs either side of his and his arms are crossed behind my back.

"Morning sweetheart" he murmers, leaning up to kiss me and I move back, putting one hand on his chest and the other over my mouth, shaking my head.

"No" I mumble against my skin, and he looks confused and potentially a little hurt.

"I need to brush my teeth" I continue as he laughs from beneath me, nodding as he moves me off him and stands, leaning down to pick up the discarded tray with one hand and pointing to his bathroom with the other.

"There should be a spare toothbrush in the cabinet above the sink, toothpaste is in there too" he says, leaning over to kiss the top of my head.

"Come downstairs when you're done" he orders, walking out of the room and down the stairs.

I step into his bathroom, opening the cupboard and finding what I needed, running the tap and brushing my teeth, grateful that there was a spare brush in here for me. I usually don't even eat before I've brushed my teeth but I would have felt awful leaving him sat there with the food he had made for me.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I'm surprised.

My eyes seem brighter and I have a pink flush across my cheeks, a comfortable smile sits across my lips and I think about that odd feeling I've had in my chest all morning. I'm already in deep for this man and this is only the second night we've spent together.

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