50. Evidence

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I woke up earlier than usual the next morning, feeling unusually refreshed and I decided to get out of bed and make Nate coffee and maybe breakfast, depending on what he has in his cupboards.

Turns out, it wasn't much, definitely nothing I could have used to make any kind of breakfast food and I settle on making him a coffee, taking it upstairs to him and wishing I had my phone so I could take a picture of the perfect sight in front of me.

The quilt was down around his waist and his strong back was on display, muscles slightly more defined because of the way he was led. Now that he seems to be waking up slightly, the movement of his arms causes the muscles to ripple.

I stand in the doorway, leaning slightly against the door frame and watch him, smiling to myself when he reaches over to my side of the bed blindly, lifting his head off the pillow when he realises I'm not beside him. He lifts himself onto his elbows and stares at the empty spot for a few moments, huffing to himself and rolling onto his back.

He turns his head to the door, spotting me stood there, admiring the way his messy curls are all over the place, spilling onto his forehead and I trail down to his mouth, toothy grin on his lips,

"Morning sunshine" I tell him, stepping into the room and placing his cup of coffee on the bedside table, perching on the side of the bed and pushing his hair out of his face.

"Morning" he rasps, rubbing his chest before reaching his hands out to me and tugging me into him, my back pressed to his front as he curls himself around me, kissing the side of my head and resting his nose in my neck.

"I made you coffee" I tell him, smiling when he squeezes me tighter and peeks over my shoulder to look at the cup on his side, groaning when he sees the rising steam, sitting up in bed and resting against the headboard after leaning over to grab the cup.

"You're the best" he tells me, taking a sip and sending me a wink over the rim of his cup.

For some reason, I blush.

Even after last night, how is it that I can still find ways to be shy around this man?

Get a grip

I sit up again and wrap my robe tighter around me, smiling at Nate when my phone rings. I frown slightly and fish it out of my pocket, brows furrowing when I don't instantly recognise the number.

"Hello, am I speaking to Emily Carter?" a light female voice asks through the phone and my eyes dart up to Nate who's looking at me curiously,

"Yes this is she" I respond, chewing on my lip

"Fantastic. Thank you for taking my call. I just wanted to update you on the ongoing case against Mr Alistair Wright. Is now a good time to talk?" there's a lump in my throat when I hear his name and I nod before realising I'm on the phone.

"Yes, uh. Yes now's a good time" I rasp out, heart beating faster in my chest and Nate shuffles closer to me and grips my thigh, frowning.

"Great. I just wanted to tell you that we have overwhelming evidence against Mr Wright. Most of which you have already seen, a couple new pieces of evidence recently came to light which we can discuss with you whenever you feel ready. But what I wanted to tell you was, we're pushing through to court. He'll have his trial and between you and me, there's enough here to send him away for a very long time"

My shoulders sag and I breathe a massive sigh of relief, finally knowing that I'm a little closer to some kind of justice.

"I-" I choke out, "Thank you. Thank you for calling to let me know. Will I need to testify?" I ask, hoping she says no, that I don't have to go and see his face and relive that night.

"No, you don't. if all we had was your statement then it would be vital to the case that you testify, but because we have physical evidence of the assault, pictures of your injuries and hospital documents of the night you were admitted as well as the images he's taken of you over the last 2 years we have a pretty solid case"

"If you choose to testify that is completely your choice. But we do have witness statements from the neighbour who called the police and the few people out on the street when you came out of the house. The officers at the scene will be testifying as well"

"Okay" I whisper out, "When is the hearing?" I ask, shocked when she tells me because of the severity of the case it's scheduled for next week. He hasn't been granted bail and even if he was, the amount would be far too high.

"I hope we get the justice you deserve Emily, I truly do" the officer tells me, and I thank her again, sincerity dripping from my voice and I wish I could hug her.

I end the call and rest my phone on my lap, still dazed from the conversation I've just had and I completely zone out, mind running at the fact that this is really happening. He's really going to court and is likely to be found guilty of breaking into my house and severely assaulting me, as well as stalking me for the past couple of years.

A gentle touch on my cheek snaps me out of my reverie, eyes lifting to meet Nate's. I know he's concerned but trying not to show it, smiling apprehensively at me as he brushes his thumb gently across my cheek.

"Okay?" he asks, eyes stuck on mine and I see how shocked he is when I let out a burst of laughter, grinning at him and I know he probably thinks I've lost my mind.

I throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist, laughing and planting kisses across his face, breathless as he leans back with a matching grin,

"What the hell is going on?" he laughs out and I shake my head, biting down on my lip,

"That was a police officer" I start, noting how his grin drops slightly, "She called to update me on Alistair" his grin drops into a scowl at the mention of his name.

I hold on for a minute, wanting to build the tension before I blurt out the conversation I just had, watching for his reaction and squealing when he leaps off the bed with me in his arms, jumping around before leaning over the bed and resting on top of me, giving me a fierce kiss and squeezing my cheeks in his hands.

"Fuck baby. This is such good fucking news" he's a little breathless,

"It is. We don't know for definite yet that he'll be found guilty but it's looking good" he kisses me again,

"This is still a big step in the right direction. Next week will be here before you know it and we'll finally have a definite resolution" he leans in to kiss me again and I halt him slightly, gentle hand on his chest and I smile up at him.

"Nate" I begin, "I need to talk to JD" I know he's curious,

"Ok" he nods, "I can give you his number?" he asks and I nod,

"Please" I tell him, leaning up to kiss him gently, smiling against his lips when I feel his smile.

"Can I ask why? Is everything okay?" and I nod, wrapping my arms across his shoulders and slipping my hands over the soft, muscled skin of his back.

"Everything's okay" I tell him,

"I just think it's time we both get our justice"

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