56. Handyman

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I've been wrestling with the organiser drawers and bags of folders, stationary and shelves I've bought, thinking it would be a good idea to walk to the closest shop.

I just about stumble in the front door of the garage and drop the bags on the floor in front of me, huffing and blowing my hair out of my face, trying to catch my breath and glancing up to see Nate, Rico and Milly stood watching me.

"Thanks for the help, guys. I really appreciate it" I huff out and lean down to pick up my purchases again and stumbling to the side when Nate appears to lift them away from me and glaring at me,

"Had I known you were going to buy this much, I wouldn't have listened when you said you didn't need me to come" I laugh and lean around him to grab the bags, scoffing when he lifts the bags up and out of my reach, nodding his head to Rico, who steps over and grabs the rest of the stuff from behind me and moving it over behind the front desk.

"Was all of this necessary?" Rico asks, looking over at me and closing his mouth when he sees the look on my face, "Never mind"

"Is there a drill I can use?" I ask, Nate sending me a wary look,

"Why do you need a drill?" he asks,

"So I can hang the shelves I bought" I tell him, gesturing to the bags on the floor and leaning down to pull one of the metal shelves from the bag and pointing to the wall at the side of the desk.

"I can do that for you" he offers, wandering over to the large metal drawers across the garage and coming back with a drill in his hand and sweeping his hand across, "Show me where you want them sweetheart. I've got you"

Usually, I would try to make some sort of argument that I'm capable but I love the idea of watching Nate do handywork and I'm frankly too tired to do it myself, so I smile and nod at him.

Usually, I would try to make some sort of argument that I'm capable but I love the idea of watching Nate do handywork and I'm frankly too tired to do it myself, so I smile and nod at him

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I was absolutely right to let him hang the shelves.

I had to check I didn't have drool down the side of my mouth as I sat and watched him, arms bulging as he drilled exactly where I'd drawn. His back muscles were rippling, and I almost collapsed when he pushed his hair back from his face.

Even the way he held the screws between his lips managed to turn me on and I was stuck behind the front desk thinking about it all over again even though he'd retreated into his office 20 minutes ago.

I was horribly frustrated now, remembering the way the muscles in his thighs tensed when he climbed down from the chair and that boyish grin he sent me when I said thank you and avoided his eyes.

I catch a glimpse of the receipts in the bottom of the bag and pick them up, glancing over to see Milly and Rico busy at work on cars and I make my way into Nate's office, closing the door gently behind me and smiling when he sends me a happy grin.

"Well hello there. To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asks, leaning back in his chair and widening his legs, resting his hands on his lap.

I wave the receipts at him and step over to the desk, putting them down and sliding them towards him, taking note of the way his eyes dart down to the slightly more exposed skin of my chest. Curtesy of the button I undid on the top of my dress before I came in here.

"I'm not sure how it works with paying the money back but that's everything I bought. Is that okay?" I ask, leaning forward and resting my hands on the edge of the desk, hair spilling over my shoulder and exposing the skin at the other side of my neck.

I watch Nate swallow and take a deep breath, nodding and clearing his throat,

"Yeah-um-yeah that's perfectly fine" I send him a sugary sweet smile and stand up straight, before taking a seat at the seat in front of his desk and crossing my leg, dress rising slightly at the movement, and I see his eyes follow the fabric.

"Are you happy with everything I bought or is there anything else you think you might want?"

"Um I don't-I don't think so. I think you did well" he stumbles over his words,

"You do? Thank you" I tell him, leaning forward to place my hand on his desk and smile at him, internally laughing when he just nods at me.

I stand from my seat and round the desk towards him, leaning over and spinning his chair towards me, leaning forward, and resting my hands on his thighs.

"Kiss me?" I ask him, resting my lips just in front of his own and relishing in the feel of our breath clashing,

"I-" he begins and I move back, standing straight and tilting my head at him,

"You don't want to kiss me?" I ask him, pouting slightly.

He lifts his hands and shakes his head,

"No. Fuck no. Of course I do" he tells me and I nod, standing in thought for a moment before climbing onto his lap, legs either side of his and resting my hands on his shoulders.

"So kiss me" I tell him, winding my hand through the hair at the back of his neck and shuffling towards him, brushing against what appears to be his growing erection and loving the soft groan he lets out.

"Fuck" he whispers before leaning forward and kissing me, hands resting on my hips and tugging me in closer to him, dress lifting to pool around my upper thighs.

He pulls back momentarily, eyes dropping to the exposed skin of my thighs and trailing back up my body, halting slightly on my chest and landing on face. The slightly swollen skin of my lips catches his eye and his pupils are dilated as he observes me.

He sits in silent contemplation for a moment more before shaking his head and tugging my face back towards his, kissing me fiercely and forcing his tongue into my mouth. I wrap my arms around his neck and push myself as close as I possibly can to him, gasping against his lips when he drags my hips against him.

He hums against my lips and pulls back, resting his head back against his chair,

"Is this really what you want? Here?" he asks me, thumb caressing the swollen skin of my lower lip and watching his own movements. I press a light kiss to the skin and nod my head before biting the skin gently.

"What time is it?" I ask, voice deeper than usual and I note the confusion on his face at my abrupt change in topic,

"2, why?" he asks and I nod in thought, climbing off him and gesturing for him to stand.

"Because" I shrug, "You're going to go and tell those two to go for their lunch. Is that something that usually happens?" he thinks for a moment before nodding,

"If they forget to go, yeah. They've usually gone by half 1" he tells me,

"Perfect then. Go tell them to go for their lunch. I'm gonna head back out to grab a paper clip for those receipts"

I nod at him and straighten my dress before heading out to the front desk, shuffling papers around and watching Nate come out of the office 5 minutes later and tell them to go for lunch, that they've forgotten again.

They both seem surprised when they notice the time and nod, asking if we want anything. When we respond no they inform us they'll be back in an hour and head out of the door.

Nate waits around 10 minutes before turning his fierce gaze to me and beckoning me to him with a curl of his finger,

"Come here" he mutters, grabbing my hips the second I get close enough and tugging me into his chest, kissing me with a bruising force and gripping my ass cheek tight in his hands, holding us as close as he can.

"I'm going to lock the front door. Get your ass in my office" he tells me, slapping me sharply on the ass and striding to lock the door, turning to me and raising his brow when he sees me stood still, watching him.

"Come on, sweetheart"

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