Authors Note

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I just wanted to leave a note to those who read to say massive thank you for taking the time to read my book. 

This is the first book I've ever written and had the courage to post on here, and although I appreciate it probably isn't perfect and there will be some parts that both myself and my readers don't like, it's all a part of the process.

I am thinking of writing some bonus chapters, I have a few ideas in mind and have been dying to write them since I started this book. 

I know my characters aren't perfect, but who is? 

I found comfort in writing my main character and a lot of her inner thoughts and feelings were based on me, her experience with her ex was also based on me and I found that writing that into my story helped me vent and to heal, even now so many years later it can still sting but healing is a work in progress.

I wanted to put this out there to let people know that it is okay to not be over things straight away, things take time and that's okay too.  Take things at your own pace. 

Thank you again to all my readers, present and future and I hope you enjoyed and will enjoy the bonus chapters.

Lots of love xx

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