8. Blow

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I wake up alone, hearing faint movement outside in the kitchen, and I assume Keira has crawled her way into my house again.

Feeling around in the bed next to me, I feel nothing but cold sheets, telling me my guest last night has been gone for some time.

I lift my head up to see if his phone is still where he left it last night, but I don't see it anywhere. I drop my head back on the pillow underneath me and put my arm over my eyes, sighing,

What else did I expect, a man like that doesn't stick around for someone who didn't even return the favour.

Stupid girl.

I sit up, putting my feet into my slippers and heading out to the bathroom to brush my teeth, rubbing my eyes as I go, still half asleep and reeling from what happened last night. Probably the best orgasm I have experienced at the hands of somebody else.

I look at myself in the mirror, tired eyes looking back at me, hair wild around my face, tits still in my vest top, thank God.

I finish my quick shower and brush my teeth, heading downstairs to get myself some much-needed coffee. But I stop short.

There, in my kitchen, in a pair of black boxers, is Nate.

He's still here.

He must have heard my feet shuffling down the stairs and into the kitchen because he turns around to look at me, small smile on his face as he takes me in.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. I hope you don't mind but I woke up a little earlier than you and made you some coffee" and he holds my mug up to show me. Placing it down on the table and patting the space in front of it, telling me to take a seat.

"Um, thank you" I take a sip, perfect, of course. But other than that, I stay quiet, surprised that he's still here.

"You good? You seem to be thinking pretty hard about something" and he comes over to lean on the table next to me. Head tilted slightly.

Before I have the chance to answer, he pulls my chair out from the table, and leans in towards me,

"If this is about last night, if you feel uncomfortable with me still being here, I can go. Just say the word" and I peek up at him over the rim of my cup.

"No I'm not uncomfortable, just pleasantly surprised" I murmur back to him, trying to gauge his reaction.

"Surprised? That I made you come that fast, or that I'm still here after the fact?" and I feel my cheeks warm.

I briefly become distracted by the minty smell to his breath, clearly, he found the spare toothbrush. Once again though, this man clearly has no shame, and the way his lip is between his teeth, I can tell he's thinking about it again.

"The latter, definitely the latter. I don't think I had any doubts about what you'd be able to make me do" and I realise what I've just said, surprised at my lack of a filter.

I bring my cup up to my lips, to make myself shut up before I embarrass myself even more, but he takes the cup from my hands, places it back on the table, and steps closer, pulling my legs apart and stepping between them.

"Is that right?" he taunts me, running his finger lightly across my collarbone.

"Why don't we explore that a little bit more, I'd like to see exactly what I can make you do" and he runs both of his hands up my legs and under the bottom of my shorts, placing his fingers as the tops of my thighs.

I move my legs apart a little further, wanting him closer to me, and I put my hands on either side of his ribs, lightly pulling him towards me.

"I think I'd like to see what I can make you do, actually" and I slide my right hand down his torso, his stomach tensing as my hand travels.

I make sure to keep my eyes on his, as I slip my hand down the front of his underwear, feeling how hard he's gotten, and I grip him in my hand.

"Feels good, hm?" he releases a breathy chuckle as I ask him this, remembering when he said those exact words to me last night.

His hands tighten their grip on my legs, head dropping forward as I move my hand up and down his cock.

His breathing is a little heavier now, shoulders tense as I please him with my hand, and I realise I want more. I need to hear more from him.

So I push him back, sliding off the seat and drop to my knees in front of him, the cool tile of the kitchen floor sending goosebumps over my legs.

"Oh, fuck" he moans out,

"The sight of you on your knees in front of me is like something out of a dream" and he lifts his hand up, rubbing his thumb over my lips as I pucker and kiss it, slipping the tip of my tongue out at the same time.

I reach my hands back up and slip his boxers down, his erection springing free, and I look in awe, fucking Christ.

I look up at him, and he smirks down at me, asking,

"You think you can take all of me in that pretty little mouth?" and I send him a sweet smile, gripping the base of his cock in my hand, and opening my mouth, slipping the tip in slowly.

I hum around it, his hands weaving their way into my hair and lifting it back out of my face, as I take more of him in my mouth, tip hitting the back of my throat I push a little further, nose almost at his base, and he lets out a deep groan.

"Shit, you're such a dirty girl, look at you" and he taps my face with his thumb, so I lift my eyes to his and his lips part.

I move my head back and forth, mouth sliding over him, and my eyes start to water when his hips start gentle movements.  I put my hand over his hips, telling him to stop. This is going to go how I want.

I pick up my pace, moving my right hand to the base of his cock, gripping, and moving it along with my mouth, at a steady pace, and the grip he has on my hair gets tighter.

"Fuck yes" he groans above me, and I hold the side of his hips, moving them gently so he can fuck my mouth.

I want to see him lose some control.

He takes the hint, as he holds my head tight in his grip, and I tilt my head back slightly, eyes still on him as I open my mouth a little further.

I want him to see himself fucking my mouth, and he does just that. Almost in a trance.

His hips move in a steady rhythm at first, as I take deep breaths to stop myself gagging.

His grip on my hair becomes tighter still, eyes focused solely on me,

"God you're so fucking good at this. Letting me fuck your mouth like a good girl" and I moan around him in response.

His movements become more erratic, and I can tell he's close, so I grip the base of his cock again, holding it as he fucks my hand and my mouth now.

"I'm gonna come, shit. You feel so good" and his head drops back, mouth open as his moans fill the air around us, and I feel his cum hit the back of my throat as he stops moving and slowly pulls out of my mouth.

His breathing is heavy now, and I swallow what he's given me, as he stares at me like he can't quite believe what's just happened.

I stand from my position on the floor, and he still hasn't moved from where he stands, until he drags his underwear up his legs and grabs the sides of my face with his hands. Kissing me fast and hard.

"You are the sexiest woman I think I've ever come across" and he kisses me again, before patting my backside and telling me to get dressed, he's taking me out for breakfast.

So I hurry off to the bathroom, trying to pretend that I'm not feeling incredibly proud of myself, and grab my toothbrush again, before heading into my bedroom to get dressed for the day.

He pops his head around the door frame, telling me we'll have to swing by his place so he can get some fresh clothes, and asks if he's okay to shower here, so of course I say yes.

And I try not to imagine him wet and naked in my shower.

I try and fail.

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