22. Dylan

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Inevitably, I end up staying another night with Nate. I didn't have much of a choice in the matter, considering the way he pinned me to the couch when I stood to get my things, pouting above me with a look of disdain written all over his face.

We spent the night just talking, watching films, and enjoying each other's company and I woke up this morning with him wrapped around me.

His head was resting on my chest and his arms were curled around me. His hair had fallen slightly in front of his face and his cheeks were slightly pink from the warmth in the room, a picture-perfect moment and I regretted not taking a picture before he woke up.

Next time.

And the second the thought popped into my head I batted it away, don't get in over your head now.

I've been at work for a few hours now and I have to actively stop myself thinking about him. Samuel has caught me unawares once and that's enough for me, with the shove I received to my shoulder and his eyebrows waggling at me.

I promptly told him to fuck off, and took myself back to my usual spot behind the bar, at the opposite end of where the front door opens.

I'm standing here wiping down the top of the bar when a pale hand comes to rest on the surface.

"What can I get for yo-" and I swear I feel my heart stop.

What the fuck is he doing here.

"Em, hey" and the anger boils inside of my veins at his casual tone as he greets me.

"My name is Emily" I refuse to let him see how suddenly small I feel stood here in front of him.

"Don't be like that babe" he taunts me, leaning towards me over the bar and I have to physically refrain from smashing a glass over his smug face.

"Don't fucking call me that, Dylan" I seethe at him.

He always knew exactly how to get to me, but always acted innocent, pretending like my anger was completely unfounded. That I was insane for being frustrated with him and distrustful.

Dirty fucking liar

"I actually didn't know you worked here, I'm here for a stag do and what a lovely coincidence you are here. I'd love to catch up" and I actually laugh in his face.

This is exactly what he did, behaving so innocent and sweet, convincing me that maybe I was insane and that everything was in my head.

But it wasn't.

All of those girls I found out about wasn't in my head. The phone call I received from one of them at 3 in the morning to ask if we were still together wasn't in my head. The way he pushed me to the floor after accusing me of cheating, wasn't in my head.

I was the fool who stayed, believing his lies, time and time again. For 2 years, because I was 16 when we met and he was my first love. I was blinded and deep down inside I was terrified of him, of the power he held over me at such a young age.

But no more. No fucking more.

"To be totally honest Dylan, I couldn't give a flying fuck what you would love" I tell him, smile sat firmly on my face.

I finally have the opportunity and courage to talk to him exactly how I want.

"I don't care why you came here, but I'm giving you and your friends 5 minutes to leave before I call security in here" and I see his face change before me. That calm and nice façade dropping faster than I could blink.

His eyes are blank, face void of all emotion.

"Are you still behaving this way? I thought you would have grown out of this behaviour by now" and he shakes his head at me, a disappointed look on his face and a patronising tone to his face that makes me want to claw at my skin.

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