61. Sinful

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"Need more sun cream?"

I glance over my shoulder at Nate, standing beside my sun lounger in his black swimming shorts and his sunglasses pushed up on his head as he looks down at me, bottle of sun cream ready in his hands.

"I think I'm okay, I only put it on a couple of hours ago" I rest my head back down in the shade, jumping when I feel Nate's hands on my shoulders,

"Nope. You're looking pink already and I don't want you burning" his hands slip around the side of my chest and brush the side of my breasts, hearing him let out a breath at the contact,

"Are you sure you didn't just want an excuse to feel me up again?" I glance at the skin of my shoulder, noting the clear lack of pink skin, "I'm still looking okay"

He lets out a chuckle under his breath and continues rubbing his hands across the middle of my back,

"No, I'm not sure at all"

It took Nate all of two days after our conversation to book us a holiday, the destination he kept a secret until we were travelling two weeks later. Time off from work he'd already arranged and all travel to and from the hotel had been completely out of my control.

It turned out he'd booked us a 10-day holiday to Bora Bora, something he kept a secret until we got on the plane and the pilot announced our destination, a giddy smile on his lips at my surprised reaction.

He practically ran through the airport to collect our luggage, the only thing I did have a say in was clothes considering all he said was to 'pack for warm weather'. He insisted on carrying both of our bags, trying to pry my hand luggage from me despite the fact that his hands were already full.

It's our third day here and I've never felt so relaxed. Nate had rented out a small house on the water for us and the sound of the waves soothed me more than I ever expected. He'd ordered me breakfast every day so far, ready for me when I woke up and insisted on being the one to do any work, telling me that I needed this time to rest and relax.

"There, all done" he leans forward to kiss me on the side of the head before laying down on his own sun lounger next to me.

My eyes drift over him as he lays with his arms behind his head, his skin sun kissed already, and his hair is slightly less of an organised mess on his head on account of him getting it cut before we came.

My fingers itch to reach out and touch him, his skin warm and comforting, but I settle for grabbing my phone from underneath the bed and taking pictures of him, three of which I managed successfully until I checked the last few and I saw he was watching me over his sunglasses.

I dart my eyes back up to him and laugh to myself when I see he's relaxed back, acting as if he hasn't just seen me taking pictures of him, a relaxed smile painted across his face and I automatically take another picture, wanting to cherish how relaxed and happy he looks in this second.

I put my phone away and turn onto my back, adjusting my bikini top to make sure I'm not about to flash anyone and fix my hair up, away from my face,

"What time do you want to go for food tonight?" I ask, watching the calm waves in front of me, "I thought maybe we could go about 6 or something? That way we have plenty of time to relax"

I don't receive a reply from Nate immediately, assuming he's thinking it over and I lean to the left of me to pick up my book, sitting back up and startling when I see Nate sat up on his bed, looking at me,

"Are you hungry now? I can go and get you something" I watch his knee bounce as he's talking, "Or I can call someone to bring us something down? I can find some menus somewhere"

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