Ukarth and Authrak

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It was slow at first, slowly building up speed. The great beast soon fell into a steady beat, its four great legs pounding the ground and shaking it. With each step the beast increased its running speed. Its large gleaming scales gleamed in the sunlight, making the beast seem like a large green jewel.

The great beast unfurled its wings, its large wings were a lighter tone compared to the rest of its body. The dragons' wings were held out in a horizontal line, not decreasing the beasts speed too much. Slowly the wings moved, moving up and down in a pattern which was slowly increasing in speed.

The beasts red eyes spotted the fast approaching cliff. It pushed itself to increase speed, the ground rumbling with each step. With each beat of its wings the beast could feel gravity's hold lessening on its body.

The beast lengthened one stride before its legs bunched up, all muscles tense. Then the beast leapt up, its hind legs pushing it off the ground and into the air. The beast was still in the air for less than a second before its wings continued working. The membrane filled with air as the beast started falling down to the ocean below.

The green animal grunted as it pushed itself to move its wings faster. Just before the creature hit the rocks and ocean a loud bang sounded from all around it as the animal started flying. The creature easily flew forward gaining speed so quickly that within seconds it broke the sound barrier.

The great beast looked up to the sky and roared its challenge as he flew on a steep path upwards to gain height once again. A resounding roar echoed in the great beasts' ears and it circled as it looked for its challenger.

The great beast spotted another one of its kind steadily approaching. The newcomer was a bright ruby red with chipped head-horns, something that showed the number of fights it had been in. The green beast watched the oncoming dragon with narrowed eyes.

The chipped scales showed that it had more than a little fighting experience. Compared to the green dragon the red dragon was a lot older, almost twice the size. The green dragon however was not a champion of making peace but of fighting and winning. The green dragon was big for its age but was streamlined and thin for better speed and agility in the air and ground.

The red dragon had the experience and strength on his side however, the red dragon watched in semi-amusement as the young dragon dived down at him, losing the advantage of height. With a loud roar the young dragon dived at its elder its claws outstretched.

However the elder remained unperturbed as the younger one got closer. When the green dragon was almost on him the elder pulled his right wing in. The left wing was suddenly swung upwards turning the red dragon and making him off balance. The old dragon simply tensed himself as he rolled in the air, his left wing coming up and smashing the young dragon in the side.

The red dragons' wing talon caught one a green spine and the red dragon managed to open his right wing and swing himself upwards, so he wasn't squashing the green wing into the green dragon, so that the pair wouldn't fall to their doom.

The red dragon curled its tail around the green dragons right wing and yanked it hard, almost dislocating it. The green dragon however was falling through the air due to the giant red dragons' weight.

Without questioning anything the green dragon tried what its elder had done previously with his own moves attached. The green dragon swivelled his neck and stretched before snapping at the red dragons' leg, managing to make a few score marks in the scales.

The green dragon, who was called Ukarth, then pulled in one wing and he was immediately flipped forcing the red dragon to be below him. From there the green dragon tensed himself and made himself stiff which somehow caused him to spin in a circle while twisting around.

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