Wolf Dog (Tiger Cubs)

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I walked slowly and startled and everything, I was pretty much blind and deaf on my left. I found some water and lapped! Looking down at my reflection I saw what I dreaded. I had no ear and no eye just a sunken hole, I twisted so I could look at my side, and there were four thin white lines from the tiger’s claws. I was making my way up hill, stopping frequently, I had lost condition. I continued my way up managing to catch the odd prey but otherwise going hungry. I found that some of the plants had juicy leaves that I could eat for water and food. I learnt that the night was only slightly less humid then the day. I travelled for three days, sometimes seeing a flicker of orange and black fur or sometimes brown which confused me. On my third day of travelling I was about to enter a clearing when I stopped. I saw two tiger cubs playing in the water by a bunch of rocks. I saw the mother sleeping in the sun, I also smelt a strange, dog smell it smelt wild. I decided wolves must have been here before the tigers, I saw another tiger in the bushes staring at the cubs. The tiger started stalking the cubs and I looked back at the mother to see her unawares. I approached from behind the tiger and growled at it, the tiger was surprised and glared at me. I spotted a nick above its eye and I started forward the tiger turned and ran, just as the mother roared. I backed away and lay down in the grass in the sun, that tiger was the one I had beaten and the nick where I had slashed with my fangs. The mother went back to sleep, deciding I was no threat closed her eyes. I heard pounding feet come closer as two adventurous cubs approached. I opened my eyes and stood looking at them carefully.

"Are you going to the gathering?" Asked one looking at me.

I sat and looked at them both my eye switching, "maybe, I'm new here reckon you can tell me what it is about?"

The cubs jumped at the chance to share some knowledge I didn't know, "the gathering is when all the leaders of the forest and their species come to one clearing."


"The main species so the tigers, wolves, snakes, bears and sometimes the mountain goats."

"Thanks, now shall we play a game in the water?" The cubs nodded and we ran to the water as they waded in I jumped splashing the cubs. They tried to roar and jumped at me, I dodged and flipped one over before the other jumped and pushed me over in the water. I landed on my back and rolled onto my side and swam deeper into the pond. The cubs followed and just before they reached me I dived under, I felt their paws churning the water above my head. I swam behind them and poked my head up and pushed one forward. The other lunged at me and I swam towards some half submerged rocks. I realised that the pond was really a deep pool that went into the river after over a small rock wall. I jumped from my rocks to the wall, the cubs turned to follow me before I dived in and was swimming next to them. As I got closer to the river I felt a pull on my fur and I started to turn, the cub on my left was turning as well and I pushed him forward so I was pushing him. Soon he was out of reach of the pull from the river and on the rocks. I turned and looked for his sister and spotted her going over the wall. I leapt for the wall and followed her over, I swam straining for the cub. I spotted rocks with a log stuck in between them, I knew this would be perhaps my only chance. I overtook the cub and managed to reach the log seconds before the cub, I had hooked my back legs over the log anchoring myself. As the cub swept past I grabbed her scruff and started pulling myself onto the log, I felt something hit me and I swung round, I managed to put the cub on the log and pushed her towards the bank. The cubs mother were suddenly and she grasped the cub and pulled her onto the bank she reached for me, but a giant rush of water pushed me under. I was being pushed and pulled being twisted, I found the bottom of the river and pushed off the pebbly floor. I managed to reach the top and started trying to swim and keep my head above the water. I heard the sound of falling water and spotted a waterfall, I had one last chance. With a desperate heave I swung myself around and started to try and find the floor. One leg planted itself into the ground and I was still being pushed backwards, my other hind leg found the floor. My front legs suddenly found the ground and I looked over my shoulder to see myself centimetres from the waterfall. I lifted one paw to try and move forward and set it down immediately, so I wasn't forced over. I looked forward to see a brown stick rushing towards me, I anchored myself and put my muzzle down so I was looking down. I felt something hit my head and continue past, I felt dazed for a few minutes before looking up. I looked to my left, I had one more desperate idea, I reckon that stick hit me more than I thought. I managed to turn myself sideways so I could walk to the left bank, I starts on a diagonal upstream so I was less likely to go over. One shaky leg at a time I started my way over to the bank, after a while I was going faster so my momentum kept me going through the waves. I was soon in a full out run, my legs briefly touching the ground. I just made it onto the bank when one wave, bigger than the one which had swept me there. I would've gone over if I hadn't got out on time, I lay down and panted heavily before making my way back to where I had seen the cubs and their mother. I went into the forest finding the darkness comforting, I made my way, keeping a three metre distance from the riverbank. I felt something on my left, I couldn't hear or see, but I knew. Then I heard the branches stop rustling and I stopped, and something jumped. I tried to move but It landed on me, I found myself rolled over and on my side looking up at a brown wolf. The wolf was using its paws to keep me on the floor, I stopped trying to escape and accepted the inevitable.

"What is your name?" The wolf asked staring into my eye which was rolled back to look at him. My response was the tightening if my jaw the wolf saw the movement he raised his legs and pounded into me, I couldn't breathe. "Name?" Again he asked I didn't say anything and I my lungs had started hurting. I was now angry at the wolf for not letting me breath and an unjust attack. I hurled myself up using all my strength in my legs and then pinned the wolf down on his side.

I growled at him, "what the hell was that for!?" I shouted at him, he curled his lip but said nothing. I growled again and walked off, I knew he had gotten up and was tailing me, I growled again and turned to face him. I snarled and got almost a grin in response. I sighed and walked off using my nose to guide myself to the tigers. I soon approached the mother and her cubs, who she was licking. I watched grinning as the cubs kept complaining. "No more getting in trouble, hmm?" I asked approaching on front of the cubs and their mother.

"Thank you for helping dog, it was appreciated," the tiger nodded her head in respect.

"Likewise," I told her bowing my head she let the cubs run towards me. I crouched down so I was the same level as them. They skidded to a stop a few centimetres from me, "see you guys at the Leaders meeting okay?" They nodded and I got up again I nodded to the mother and then I was in the trees.


Story Plot ya' know....:

Night will continue fighting her way through the forest and she finds herself going to Tiger School she continues to adapt to everything around her. When she enters the gathering she becomes part of the Wolf pack where she is scorned at. Still trying to adapt to all the changes she warns the pack of the dogs coming after the pack and her. The more she learns about herself the more she learns of the pack, just winning the battle with the dogs the pack looks to find help. And then Night comes to the rescue just in time in a spectacular fashion...


Night is a dog that is half-wolf chased out of the town she makes her home in the jungle. But the jungle had other ideas, attacked my a tiger and half blind and deaf she trys to make her way to the Gatthering. Learning abaout herself and her origin she will learn things that never would've appeared to her otherwise. 

So now it's time to meet Night the Wolf Dog....

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