Not So Classical - Chapter 2

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Chapter II: The First Cavatina

[Meaning: A short and simple melody performed by a soloist that is part of a larger piece]

I was ten when I was finally cornered by the Faux, that's what we'd taken to calling them. They were some sort of mercenary working under one main boss, or at least they were part of an organisation. I'm not sure. Either way, the Faux targeted orphans, or at least children on the streets, who wouldn't be noticed if they went missing. I believe that the children where they pushed into slavery of some kind, I never found out nor do I want to.

I'd been on the streets for approximately five or so years, and an orphan for eight. I wasn't new to the rules of the streets nor the crime that plagued them. I did strive to make a difference though, during cold winters and hot summers I hated seeing anyone younger than me dying. I always thought there was something I could do, not that there really was. When I was eight, I managed to gather up some of the younger street kids and we made a hideout where we could hoard food and important items. It worked and we all stayed safe, but that isn't what's important here.

<"Wait, are you the person who started making all those bases in the city?" One of the older kids asked.

Aaron nodded his head, "I suppose I am the one who begun it, I'm pleased to see others carried it on. I made the main base and discussed making multiple other bases, and helped to do so."<

Anyway, I was cornered by the Faux. There were three of them altogether; one was on a brown horse, probably there to chase anyone who tried to run. Another was driving a two-horse carriage, and in the carriage was the person who caught the kids and put them in the carriage. There wasn't much I could do, bring trapped between a carriage, a tall stone building and a man on a horse watching my every move. Nevertheless, there was one thing I could do. I raised whistled, loud, and clear, letting the sound ring and echo down the street.

From one of the shadowed alleyways nearby, Istal came charging out. He was young then, two or three years old. He was clearly a chestnut back then, and looking quite odd due to his body shape, as he was still growing. I'd rescued him during one cold winter. There were many stray animals around the city, Istal was probably one of the youngest I'd found that didn't have anyone looking out for him.

>"I keep going on tangents don't I? I apologise, I rarely reminisce back to those days of my past. They were my better days, but my worst as well." Aaron murmured to the children around him, "Nevertheless, back to my tale."<

Istal came cantering forward, surprising the Faux members enough to get past. As he cantered past, I grabbed hold of his mane and managed to mount the moving horse. The moment I'm secure on Istal's back, my fingers trapped in his wild mane, he takes off at a gallop. The man on the brown horse is quick to follow, but Istal and I know the streets and alleyways too well. We know where to run and where we can hide.

Istal is racing down one of the side streets a minute or so after I'd managed to escape, the man was still following me. However, coming up the side street in the opposite direction are two horses with riders. One of the riders was a knight and the other was a ranger, a combination that was everyone knew of.

>"Do you know what rangers are?" Aaron asked, looking at the children who were looking excited and bored in equal amounts at his tale so far.

"Yeah, of course we do! You're one!" Kate, the second female member of the twins, calls out.

"Yes," Aaron said with a touch of impatience, "But what does a ranger do?"

Kate shrugs and her twin, Cade the male of the pair, looks at Aaron, "Hurry up and tell us will you. We won't get anywhere at this pace."

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