Eragon Fanfic - Chapter I: The Meeting

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Chapter I: The Meeting

I slowly pulled my hand back so the bow string was taunt. I held my breath as I looked down the arrow, it looked like my aim would be true however only time would tell. As I released my breath I also released the bow string.

The arrow flew straight, penetrating the rabbits' hide, muscle and then heart. There was the small squelch sound and squeal that had sadly become all too familiar. I got up and stretched, I had been hiding in wait for too long but I was glad that it had all paid off.

I stalked over to the fresh corpse, after checking that it was dead (I had had times when my prey wasn't dead despite my arrows) I picked it up by its ears.

With a sigh I walked back to my current camp site. My camp site, I admitted, was a creative thought on my behalf. It had taken two days of hard work to start and complete but it was worth it, even if I was going to move on soon.

The camp site was a few metres away from a small river however shrubs, thorny bushes and tall trees kept the camp hidden from sight. From there I had made the earth dip slightly, although it had already partly made a dip. Once the ditch was made I started putting my stuff down before covering it with bracken and more thorny bushes. My choice for the site as well was pretty good. It was in a hick shrubby area which would prove hard to get to no matter who you were or what you were.

I sat down, after clearing the bracken away so I could sit down comfortably, and started skinning the rabbit. I hardly paid any attention to what I was doing — proof that I had been doing this for far too long I suppose.

Even though I had been on my lonesome for a while I still got lonely. There was no way I could describe the loneliness I felt, I guess I would best describe it as an empty, sad feeling similar to grief and regret in a way. I suppose the feeling is akin to that of feeling lost, whether in reality or emotionally or mentally. It was like drowning in an abyss of darkness that there was no end to. Yet the loneliness wasn't as bad as it had been in those first days nor was the regret and grief as bad.

I had not seen human life in many a week perhaps that was due to where I was though. Although no one would think to travel and hide where I was, I was still fairly wary. However that could simply be due to the stories I had heard. The Spine did not hold much fear for me. I never thought I knew all of its secrets nor did I try to convince myself I did.

After a while I managed to get a fire burning, the wood I was using did not give off to much smoke and I only built a small fire so it would be harder to see.

As I waited for the meat of the rabbit to cook I took to practising with my sword. Practising with my sword while my dinner cooked had basically become a tradition. My sword, which was by no means well-made but not poorly made either, was one that I had come to love and learn with.

The sword, in my eyes, was a beauty. It had a one hand hilt but it did not have an average silver, steel blade. It had a simple cross guard although it was slightly thicker and longer than the average cross guard. The grip, and by extension the hilt, was wrapped in black leather that served as a comfortable grip but one easy to hold on to.

The blade itself was one of the weirdest things about the sword, instead of being silver and being made of steel. It was made of an unknown steel and was a black sword that seemed to shimmer a dark purple in the right light.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, holding the sword in my right hand, I breathed out. My eyes snapped open and I darted forward against an invisible enemy. I performed an overhead slice before I brought my sword closer to me and blocked an invisible strike. From there I sidestepped and flicked my blade towards the average mans' ribs before pulling back and striking upwards.

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