POC Chapter 2

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Lightning struck next to us as I carefully veered away from the flat water, the crew stirred uneasily below. Calling out to my crew they gathered just under the quarterdeck I started speaking to them, "now I know many of you think that this isn't a natural storm but the powers of the curse. But there ye be wrong, my friends! This storm is no natural storm, aye, but it is our storm not those cursed! How many storms have we sailed in and taken ships? Now we don't fear, they fear us! So tell me are ye ready for a plan of danger?"

"Aye!" My crew shouted I smiled at them, before looking around.

"We know our way so we're gonna get a couple of ships, do what we normally do and then I'm going to be holding onto a barrel and manage to live you'll be seen sailing away and follow their ship without being seen as it is easily done in this weather. However since Captain Sparrow is involved something's bound to go wrong and if you see a single somehow come to the opposite side. Crow you'll be captain when I'm gone, and as you know," a loud thunder interrupted my words so I could hardly hear them above the wind and sea. "Now navigator tell us where to go, nearest trading route and full speed ahead!" With a loud yell they hastened to my orders and my navigator a woman of 40-ish.

Slipping on a maid's dress, I shivered as my bare arms felt the cold looking in front I looked out at the fiery ship before looking down at the floating barrel. I jumped into the water and swam to the barrel before holding on, it was freezing in here! Nodding at my crew and ship they turned and went away, I started slipping away into unconsciousness from the cold. My teeth were now chattering and I was slipping of the barrel or that's what it looked like. Yes my teeth were chattering but I was still moving my legs and keeping warm and only moving my hands around so I looked like I was slipping. Suddenly the Black Pearl loomed out of the fog in front of me, I could just make out the black sails against the cloudy night. My teeth chattered and I watched the ocean in front of me as shouts came from above the water suddenly rose in a small swell and I felt bony arms around me and I let go of the barrel. As soon as I managed to grasp onto the rope the crew pulled me from the water, when I got onto the deck my breath left me as I looked at the sight in front of me, skeletons then the moon light faded and they became normal.

It was then the cold finally came to me, and I shivered and spluttered water out of my lungs before slipping unconscious.

When I came to I found myself staring into the eyes of a woman, "are you quite alright?" She asked her voice soft, I could tell she lived a pampered life and was from Port Royal more than likely.

"I am, thank you, milady," I said letting my voice slip into its old accent and letting my words sounding nobler. I got up and shivered and asked swallowing my pride, "who are you, ma'am?"

"I am Elizabeth Swan may I enquire yours?" She said her voice powered with curiosity.

"Oh! Ms Swan," I curtsied, "my name is Emma Sylver, a humble maid,' I stood up looking down.

"No need for that, Ms Sylver, we're all equals here," Elizabeth said trying to sound upbeat, "call me Elizabeth."

"Call me Emma, ma'am may I be so bold as to inquire where we are?"

A booming voice sounded behind me, I jumped although I had known he was here, "you're on the Black Pearl! The last real pirate ship, and I am her captain, Captain Barbossa."

I looked up and down at him in fake disgust, "you're a pirate!" I said pointing to him, "and this isn't the last true pirate ship, surely the," I let my voice go down to a whisper as if scared, "the, Shadow Arising is."

Barbossa looked up and down at me, I could see his eyes rest on my chest, I ignored my fury and tapped my foot impatiently, "well Missy, looks like we've got another fiery person however you're not needed, but..." He trailed off and looked into my eyes, "ye saw us, this was the curse placed on us when we tried to get a certain treasure, and do you know how hard it is?" Then he took a step forward and with each new word he took a step forward before ending up in front of me. "Never to have food, water, to be starved without death coming? I've longed for a woman," he said touching my face I shivered in disgust and struggled not to kill him with a small dagger in one of my boots.

"I suggest you leave us and get to your duties before one of us is knocked unconscious, and if you could bring me some proper clothes a dress is something horrid to wear on board." Barbossa looked at me and I glared, "now captain!" I said letting my voice harden with orders he turned and left without another word.

Elizabeth came up behind me, "you're no maid are you?"

I smiled at her, "no I'm not, but they neediest know that. The name I have taken is Emma Sylver captain of the Shadow Arising, leader of the Shadows," my voice slipping back to my normal one a polite smile on my face. "Care to tell how you ended up on the Black Pearl?"

"Well it all started..." She told me her story and I listened trying to figure out what Jack Sparrow was up to.

"Wait," I paused thinking, "if you said your name was Elizabeth Swan but they think you are a Turner?" I waited for her to answer.

"They don't know my real name," she smirked and I smirked back and leaned back in my chair and thought over what had happened. Someone appeared in the doorway and threw me some clothes I looked in disgust at the revealing dress before smiling. Taking out a needle and thread I started ripping the dress, and looked at Elizabeth.

"Could you watch the door, no need for any of them to know," she nodded and I slipped off my black dress so I was in my normal clothing. A loose black sleeve top and black pants, I continued tearing the black dress and the other white one and making some proper clothing.

When I was done I had a black top with white sleeves and some pants which was white at the bottom. I had used the leather from the seats, to help with parts of the clothing, and an item of clothing which I had no idea was used for. So much for acting like a maid, or a noble for that matter, I thought pulling on the clothing over my pirate clothes I looked around.

Walking to Elizabeth we tried to start talking of course it didn't help when two pirates came at us, "poppet it's time for your big display, oh," one said looking at me. "Looks like we have another little lady, isn't that right Ragetti?"

The other one did a weird laugh, "that's right Pintel, that's why we have two cuffs," they came towards us and I let Ragetti put my hand cuffs on. The cold steel bit into my wrists was nothing new but I still scowled at the pirate. I watched as Elizabeth was marched in front of me, her back stiff but her head held high with pride.

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