Pirates of the Caribbean fan-fic - Chapter One

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"Turn her around! We're heading back to Tortuga," I called out to my first mate she looked at me and nodded before turning around and shouting orders to my crew.

My crew was one of the most feared on the sea's known as the Shadows when we struck no trace was left and only one person got away. My crew as all women, not many would sail under me, after all who sails under an 18 year old woman? Besides I wanted no heart break on board and the women knew not to cross me, yet they thought for themselves.

"Ship behind us!" The call came from the crow's nest, I skilfully climbing the rigging; I pulled out my telescope and looked at the black ship just like my own.

"It's the Pearl," I breathed out looking at the Black Pearl the fastest ship on the seas, but mine might just out run it.

"Fight or flight?" My first mate called, looking down I flipped down landing on my feet in a low crouch.

"Full speed away, it's the Black Pearl I have no wish to cross Barbossa, we might just make it but prepare the cannons anyway and get ready to fight put the colours up as well." I said to my first mate, my first mate was a woman around 30 with a scar above her left eye, she had blonde hair and blue eyes and she carried out orders well.

"Which colours?" In a stroke of genius I had, (which was very rare), I had decided to make two colours, our well known one making us the Shadow's or another one marking us as a small ship of pirates.

"The second one please, I'll be at the helm," with that I strode off briefly touching the wood of my ship, Shadow Arising. I stood at the helm, hoping we could get to Tortuga before it came down to a fight. As the captain of the Black Pearl surely wanted, "tell me every time they get closer by a hundred," I shouted to the lass in the crow's nest.

I felt Shadow Arising hum under my feet as she picked up speed, I never had let her go full speed and this wasn't any different, moving her slightly side to side, keeping her slower than full speed.

"She's moved up and still gaining," I grinned it was going to be a game of cat and mouse, "she's also got her cannon's out and they're ready to fight!"

"Can you see Tortuga?" I called back; I listened to the sound of her moving, every so often correcting the ship's course.

"Just in sight! We should just make it if we're quick," the lass called back, we called her Hawksburn for her sharp eyesight. Not many wanted their names known on board so we all had our pirate names that we used to make a name for ourselves, sometimes I chose theirs though.

I let the ship speed up slightly and when Hawksburn called for a hundred metres left we were in relative safe waters. "Put our colours up, they wouldn't risk it now!" I called back to my first mate, who went by the name of Crow.

"They've turned back!" She said back, I peered behind me seeing she was right I shrugged and told her to put them up anyway.

We closed on the port and weighed anchor I then spoke to the crew, "you Shadows can have a break tomorrow night or day we go, and I expect you here no later than the first ray of sun."

Dropping onto the pier I looked up at my ship, although it matched the size and colour of the Black Pearl it didn't have as many cannons and was faster due to the less weight. I looked at the ships around the pier, only one that looked quite well made was obviously one from the navy. The Interceptor, I inspected the ship she was defiantly from Port Royal, someone had been up to no good. Looking around I saw two woman slap someone, a very familiar someone who talked to the person next to them. I blended in with the shadows my dark black hair blending in even tied up, and my eyes were tiny bits of brown in the growing darkness of the night. In black clothing I was invisible and I shadowed the two pirates, preparing to learn what they were up to.

Entering the inn, I could see a couple of my crew fighting along with the crowd and with a fierce grin on their faces told me they were enjoying it. Good thing I had taught them, although I was better than them that I knew and they did to. I listened to the two pirates sitting down while one watched the crowd I sneaked past easily.

I caught onto some of the words that one was speaking, "Going after the Black Pearl..."

"Jack it's a fool's errand," so I was right the other man was Captain Jack Sparrow, the one I wanted dead however something interesting was bound to come from this. It might be worth while letting him live a bit longer; I looked at him with his dreadlocks. And the other one someone helping Jack, odd as it were, as I was thinking I missed the next bit of what they were saying and caught onto the last words.

"Crew... Mad..." I stopped listening and headed back to my ship trying to unmuddle their words.

I woke up to the sounds of pirates, that wasn't new though, the annoying voice was Jack's voice booming through the sun. Groaning I rolled over and got up, I looked out to see a woman, punch or slap Jack I cheered her on mentally.

"Shadows come out!" I said softly, my crew faded out of the shadows of my ship and went to their stations. "You guys know what I'm planning to do right?"

My first mate rolled her eyes, "you Shadows ready to shadow the ship? Perhaps rescue some pirates, kill a whole bunch of people and overall get to annoy everyone?"

A chorus of Aye's followed her speech and I smiled as my crew got ready to go, and we cast off following the ship.

~~~~Storm Scene~~~~

"We can't continue like this! We can't follow them in this weather!" Crow said, next to me I looked over my crew who were doing their best.

"I know where they are going now; they're after the Black Pearl they're heading to the island. Time to have some fun, we can over take them now so how about for the first time we go full speed ahead?" Crow looked at me and nodded, "first colours it's time we make our presence known I'm going to go aboard the Black Pearl after all and wait ‘til my call for the fun to come. Also the curse, we'll stop it but you have to be your best get ready to continue the training." With a groan Crow grinned at me and walked off giving orders. The ship rose on the wave and took off speeding past the shape of a ship letting her go almost full speed.

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