Wattpad SWI - Meeting Up

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"SilverEagle?" BloodyThornDagger's voice greeted Gabby as she was pushed into the cell.

"BloodyThornDagger, is that you?" Gabby replied answering to her SWI name.

"Yeah, Silver you know I'm innocent right?" BloodyThornDagger, also known as Thorn to Gabby, asked.

"As innocent as I am, I thought something was up when you were caught," Gabby replied. Gabby knew Thorn as they were both in the same division and team. They were in DTF and Team 3 with Gabby as leader. "The others weren't quite sure though, you've been in here a week right?"

"Yeah, so do you know why we're here?" Thorn said pulling a hand through his messy black hair which seemed to have grown three centimetres since Gabby had last seen it.

"No but a good friend of mine was caught beforehand and told me he suspected a traitor was in our midst and I'm starting to believe it."

"Well we're not going to be going anywhere any time soon, so I guess you get comfy." Thorn said, a smile could be seen on Gabby's face.

"Like I said my friend was caught beforehand and managed to warn me, I'm prepared to... complete something and find out why I am here." Gabby said in a serious and mysterious tone, "but anyway. If we're going to be here for a while I guess we should tell each other about ourselves."

"You mean tell each other who we really are?" Thorn said with a look of disbelief.

"Well yeah, it can't make a difference can it?"

"Okay then, who goes first?" Thorn asked slowly warming up to the idea.

"Only one way to figure it out," Gabby said with her hand held out in front of her from where she was sitting on one of the bottom bunk beds.

"Paper, Rock, Scissors," Thorn agreed from the bottom bunk bed on the opposite side of the cell.

Gabby frowned, "it's Rock, Paper, Scissors, get it right dude!"

"No I'm quite sure it's said Paper, Rock, Scissors," Thorn replied.

"How about we say Scissors, Paper, Rock instead?" Gabby questioned knowing that Thorn and her were too stubborn to come to an agreement.

"But that's your version backwards! How about Scissors, Rock, Paper instead?"

"No way in hell," Gabby said, "it's Rock, Paper, Scissors."

The two argued for a couple of minutes before Gabby thought of a compromise. "How about Scissors, Pebble, Paper?"

"No, Scissors, Parchment, Pebble," Thorn suggested.

The two held their hands out in a scrunched positioned before hitting the palm of their other hand three times. "Scissors, Parchment, Pebble!" The two yelled out.

Gabby had her hand in the classic position of rock, or in this game as it was called 'pebble.' Gabby had spent the minutes while they had argued deciding which object to choose: rock, paper or scissors.

Gabby's thought process had considered the fact that rock was normally what most people used first and Thorn would most likely know this, and then would suspect that she would to and use scissors as Gabby would use paper to defeat rock. However Gabby would most likely think of that and use rock instead and the path would continue, so in the end Gabby decided to use rock as she didn't want to win and go first.

Thorn on the other side of the room had predicted everything Gabby had thought except he didn't consider she would go first, so he deciding to go scissors and hope for the best before changing his mind mid-way through saying parchment. When the result was decided, Thorn was surprised with the result and smiled at his winning. Gabby had gone rock and in a stroke of luck Thorn had changed to paper making him the winner... And have to go first.

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