I'm off to go be murdered, by some of my friends~

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If anyone ever asks who's annoying it's LexisRee for sure, that annoying human being (I think) just tagged me BACK to do this again. This is the third, THIRD time, so I'm going to be annoying to my friends. It's time to tag people I know in real life who never come online, simply because I didn't tag them earlier.

On another note, with my loophole I can post the same thirteen facts from before and journal entry from before, and same questions from before. I'm doing quite well, it's really only thirteen people I need to tag now. Oh, and answer the questions, I suppose that's pretty important.


1. You must post the rules

2. You must tag thirteen people to suffer. 

3. You need to write thirteen things about yourself.

4. You must answer all thirteen questions.

5. You must write thirteen questions that the people tagged must do.

6. You cannot, and may not, say: 'I don't like tags' or anything along those lines as an excuse not to do this.

7. Tag backs are allowed. I have a special place in hell waiting for anyone who does this, don't tag me back guys. AHEM LEX IS GOING TO THIS SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL, love you, don't kill me after I start my evil plan. :D

8. You must do this within a week.

9. Be creative with your title. 

10. You have to put this in one of your stories, NOT in the comments. 

11. You have to do a journal entry.

Thirteen things about me:

1. I don't like being tagged.

2. I live in Australia.

3. I have a bunch of books to read, but I end up reading different books instead, all the time. It sucks.

4. I don't know what I want to be when I'm older.

5. I have two Harry Potter posters, bet ya didn't know that (unless you actually know me).

6. I procrastinate, a lot, I'm a pro at it now.

7. I recently (almost a month by now) got a cool watch.

8. I have no talent what so ever, everything I've done has been achieved by work and practise alone.

9. Drawing maps for my books is oddly entertaining for me, I don't know why but it's starting to become fun.

10. I know that weather where I live is stuffed up, this is proven as last week it was 41C one day, and the day after it was 19C and raining. Does that count as a fact? If not, it's curently like 23C in my room as I write this, that's a fact.

11. I have an alarm clock thing, that has the correct date (19/01/2016) but the wrong day (apparently today's a monday).

12. I almost always forget what day it is on the holidays (turns out today's a Tuesday, I forgot that earlier).

13. If I had to choose a favourite number it would probably be 42, I have no clue why. But it's a cool name.

Now for a journal entry: As I have no idea what this truly is, you guys can get a recount of the current stupid thing I did this morning/yesterday.

So, a few hours ago I was thinking about this book. I couldn't remember the title or author of the book, but I knew what it was about - or at least I remembered some parts of it. So I did the random searching thing that we all do, still couldn't figure it out. I tried searching in certain categories and characters (this was on another writing website, yes it's a miracle, Wattpad isn't the only writing website I use, this other website is different). Alas, I couldn't find it, and then, I had a sudden stroke of brilliance! I could search my laptop history! It was a fantastic idea, except with the downfall I didn't know the title of the book - still. I had an idea it had a number in it, an odd number. It had something to do with time travel (timetravel, time-travel?) and multiple lives. So on my history setting page thingy, I searched 'Ninth' and, sadly, got no results. But that's alright, because I felt like seven was a good number. I then searched 'Seventh' and would you believe it? I found the book! Hurray, hurrah - turns out I never even finished reading it. And no... I'm not procrastinating again. xD Of course I am!

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