Wolf Eyes - Introduction

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Wolves can live alone or in packs. There are many reasons why wolves may be alone such as the fact they were kicked out of their pack, they decided they'd make their own pack or they left their pack. Some wolves look for a new pack after leaving or being kicked out of their own.

However sometimes packs warn other packs about a kicked out wolf that went 'Rogue.' By going Rogue a wolf forfeits all rules that packs and wolves normally abide to. They are then labelled dangerous and deadly and are normally killed when sighted. However Rogues needed to combat this and some formed their own packs that only listened to their rules. Rogue wolves were labelled the most dangerous when there is only one wolf that they can attack, however when facing a pack they are easily killed.

There are many positions within a wolf pack: Alpha - the leader of the pack who makes sure everything is well and leads the pack, Beta - they are second in command if the Alpha's aren't around they make sure everyone plays their role within the pack and makes sure everything runs smoothly with hunting, Delta - third in command they are in charge of making sure that all the pups are looked after along with elderly and sick, Hunters - they hunt for the pack bringing in small prey however when a larger animal is sighted they make sure the whole pack (besides pups) participate in the hunt, Scouts - they patrol the area at night and during the day making sure that there are no other wolves or packs on their territory, Healer - there are normally one or two healers per pack they make sure the elderly, wounded and other wolves are looked after and kept healthy, Warriors - the wolves that don't have other jobs are warriors, Omega - these wolves are at the bottom of the pack and must submit to all others.

The rules of the wolf packs are as follows:
1. A wolf may never kill another without proper reason.
2. A wolf pack must have their own territory and fight for it.
3. Wolves must listen to their pack leaders.
4. Wolves must attack and kill any Rogues on sight.
5. Wolf packs must tell others about Rogues.
6. Only the strong wolves can survive.

The way of the wolf pack is hard and there are many other rules and guidelines within different packs. Many things may happen if one wolf doesn't submit to those above him. Now that you know the basics of a wolf pack, you can know about my life.

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