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When I rose, the sun was already high in the sky, I stretched my tired muscles. I was pretty content, I have had food which some dogs haven't had in months. I headed down to where I knew water would be, I stopped at the edge. I peered down at the black, dirty water I looked at the garbage just floating. The water was dead and there was no wind. I lapped two mouthfuls of water before I couldn't handle any more. I felt the suns heat on my back and started trotting tiredly along the roads. I ignored the horns of cars and rickshaws I kept to the side though, I wasn't dumb. After a while I knew I was out of the dogs that had been in the packs territories. I smelt the new scent of the dog and started walking, I kept my ears and eyes pricked for danger and fights. But I didn't hear anything so I just hoped that the dog had headed off already. I continued through the night spotting other dogs heading the same way. But we all kept our distance, I eventually smelt a change in the air - a subtle smell of salt. I spotted and looked out at the long stretch of water, it was clear and blue. I knew the water wasn't good for drinking though it was salt water. I heard a warning growl up ahead, one dog wasn't going to let us pass until moonlight tomorrow, unless someone fought him. I stopped and looked for any lucky fighters, seeing none I knew they were all cowards. I stepped forward proudly and holding my tail and head high I growled a warning in my throat. The other dog growled haughtily at me, I grew bored of exchanging warnings and charged. The other dog was obviously not expecting this as he just stood there dumbfounded. I crashed into him with my shoulder, although my head was only half way up his chest I was a good fighter. The dog seemed to realise this as once I had unbalanced him he started fighting like a real dog. We circled warily watching each other's moves, I snapped at the dog and he jumped back. I laughed at him and some of the other dogs did, the dog just got more and more mad. Then he rushed and I sidestepped and bit his side. He swung round and rushed at me again, again I sidestepped and bit him. After a while of doing this he figured that it was pointless, and calmed down, but he had tired himself out. I grinned and attacked, I grabbed his muzzle and whirled him around using brute strength. I flung him down and pounced my teeth slashing and drawing blood. I stood back and looked down at the bleeding mess in front of me I snarled once and walked off. The dog may have been bleeding but he wasn't going down without a fight I heard his squeals of pain some while off as the other dogs tore his skin and flesh. I started loping along moving at a faster pace trying to out run the smell of fresh blood. I was soon flat out running trying to escape the nightmare of the stray dogs of India. My ears were flat against my head giving me full speed, I soon slowed down and was walking along. My head lowered I stopped panting heavily, when my breathing was slightly lighter I walked on. It was by now morning and the heat was already making me uncomfortable and soon I would need a drink. But for now, I looked forward to tonight's New Moon Gather or the NMB. I imagined the moons light on me and the coolness of the wind. I was at the meeting place at noon, I rested in the shade and waited for night to fall.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep, I woke up to the noisy sound of panting and my hackles else instantly. I looked up at the tan dog in front of me and growled threateningly the dog backed off looking scared. But by now I was well and truly awake, I got up and glaring at the tan dog I moved from under my shady place. The sun was almost down, and I could hear more dogs appearing I slunk off to find food. I soon came back with a rooster hanging from my mouth, I went around the giant pile of sand, rocks and rubbish and looked for a small sandy cave made of stone. Spotting it, I scrambled in, it was two metres above the ground and it and it was almost vertical to get to. I entered carefully and made my way to the back where I turned right. I found myself looking into the green eyes of a very large, skinny dog. I dropped the rooster and backed off into the light before lying down and watching with my head on my paws. I laid stiffly, my ears back in submission yet my hackles up to threaten. I heard a growl from the creature in front of me, I couldn't help but growl back. I rose stiffly glaring at the eyes, the dog snapped at me, and I lunged forward. My jaws landed on empty air, I then slunk forward and felt the air whistle overhead. I turned around and backed up into the cave wall, here I stood planting my feet into the stone. I then growled and attacked, I saw the dog shift to the left and flickers my hindquarters so I was facing the dogs. I soon attacked not wasting my breath on growling, I figured it was easier to close my eyes and listen. My eyes closed I listened with my ears and heard the sounds I made as little noise as possible and tried to figure out where the dog was. I figured out where he was and crouched down and turned, making myself visible. I kept my tail in the air as well as keeping my hind legs straight. Then I lowered them just as the other dog pounced, the dog landed in front of me facing the wrong way. I knocked him while he was unbalanced and soon he was on his stomach and my jaw was locked around his windpipe. I moved and slipped out of the cave the moon was almost out, but before I left I heard a voice.

"Well done, Night, you finally beat me," I heard the gruff old voice say. I just walked out of the cave and jumped out. But I couldn't help but feel happy at the old warrior’s words. I strode to other side of the pile, and spotting a chunk of unearthed pavement in the pile was sticking up. Growling at the dog on it, the dog moved and I took my spot. I sat and waited, I heard the claws clicking on stone, coming closer and closer.

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