Religion 1 - Erihizor

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Before ___Planet Name___ existed, there was nothing. Within the vast space of nothingness all that could be seen was darkness. The darkness was a sentient being, or at least there were hints of a being hidden in the darkness. For as everything grew older, in the darkness something moved, something thought, something whispered.

The darkness did not call out nor did it scream or cry. After all, it was old and had been hidden in nothingness for a long time. The darkness whispered, whispering dreams and hopes to itself of light and life. The darkness had no sense of time, and it only seemed a short while after it became conscious that it named itself. "Sizor," the darkness whispered, "My name is Sizor!"

The being, Sizor, let its happiness overflow and soon it formed a tiny, insignificant ball of white light that sent rays out into the darkness. Sizor breathed out onto the ball of light, sharing the hopes and dreams he had with his own ball of happiness. "Life," Sizor whispered, before reaching out with his own darkness to grasp the ball.

Unknowingly Sizor had formed the sphere with his own happiness of the thought of life, hope, dreams, and the fact he now had a name. As such, when he reached out and touched the ball it exploded. Rays of white light shot out, weaving through the darkness without hurting Sizor. The light expanded and separated.

"Sleep," it told Sizor, "Become the darkness between the light, become space."

Sizor sighed he was tired and weary; perhaps it was time to sleep. Without another thought, he spread himself out, weaving through the light and becoming vaguely aware of other matter being created within the light. "What's your name?" Sizor called out, moments before he slipped into eternal sleep.

"I am Driel, your child!" Driel, the light, called out and with that, Sizor slept.

Meanwhile Driel worked her light, letting other matter form. Driel's light was what Sizor dreamt and hoped life would be. Sizor himself was what remained from his dreams, happiness, and hope – the balance of how life ended, eternal slumber known as death. As Driel worked she formed life, lending her powers to those she would call her children.

Driel formed universes, galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets, and moons. Among all her creations, there was a single planet that was different from the rest. It wasn't a planet yet, and it would be many years before it even became one. It was only a speck of dust in the greater puzzle of things, but it was made of the merged energies of Driel and Sizor.

Driel let her power flow on, never ending and it would continue to create by weaving threads of darkness and light. This is why space never ends, because darkness and nothingness continues on, and so Driel uses her power to continue lighting up Sizor's being. Driel moved on, leaving her newly created planets and followed her own path, continuously creating something around her.

It took another two billion years before __Planet Name__ came about. It grew quickly, the merged powers of Driel and Sizor made the planet rise to meet any challenge. That was when the first gods came into power.

Upon the planet made of rock, magma, and air, a being became conscious. This being slowly formed thoughts, and without a body, it couldn't do anything as it waited for something to happen. A hundred years down the track, another being formed. This was the second god to come into existence. The moment it formed coherent thought, it made itself a body.

And so the great god Rian came into being. He stood tall upon the ground; he was covered in metal armour. In his left hand, he held a long dagger, while in his right hand he held a short sabre. "Come sister of mine, form your body!" Rian said, talking to the only other presence on the planet. "Let us explore and find others, for there's got to be something out there. Imagine and create your body, and let us leave this dreary location."

As her brother suggested, the other being formed her own body. This was how the gentle yet wild goddess Nau came into being. Nau, like her brother, had black curly hair but where his was short hers fell onto her back in thick locks. Her golden eyes, identical to Rian's, gleamed as she looked around.

"This place, it needs life," she whispered to her brother.

"Why must you whisper sister? Do we not search for new life?" Rian asked as he moved away from his sister who followed without hesitation.

"There is no life around here, there is only darkness. Can you not feel it?" Rian paused in his giant strides and looked at her sister before closing his eyes. As Rian sunk into a meditating state, Nau reached out with her senses, feeling the darkness and emptiness of a planet without life.

"I feel the absence of light my dear sister, we are the only two who are around for eons on end. We light this planet with our presences that I can feel nothing else." Rian said as he glanced about, "Life is indeed needed sister, but they need to live not just survive."

Nau tossed her head back and laughed, pulling on her brother's hand as she led him somewhere else. "Come brother, I sense something growing."

Rian followed his sister as she led him along, "I feel it sister, let's hurry." Rian said as he started feeling another spark of light elsewhere on the dirt covered planet.

"Come out, come out my sister!" Nau called out, staring at the sun. "My sister of the sun, the air, and other wonderful things, come out and meet us. Let us meet and no longer be lonely!"

As if listening to Nau's voice, a figure formed in front of the sisters. "Who are you to call me?" Asked a young child, Rian looked at the child with hope in his eyes.

"Be you friend or foe?" He asked, gripping the shaft of his sabre, which had been sheathed earlier.

"I would be a friend if you are," the young girl replied.

"Oh, we are friends," Nau said with a gentle smile. "Can you not feel the bonds between us? Can you not feel the desire to solve this loneliness? You are young, you are not old, you have not felt what I have felt when I was alone."

The young girl reached out with one hand, "My name is Leitis," she said softly. Rian grasped Leitis' hand and shook it.

"Well young Leitis, do you wish to come join us as we search for new life?" Nau asked.

"My dear sister and my young friend, there is already new life forming around us." Rian said as he looked around in wonder. "There is green growing around us, and twinkling blue liquid travelling along the ground at this very second. This world may be young, but it grows quickly."

Leitis leant down and touched the ground, her hand then glowed green and all around the three gods the plants started growing quicker. "I fear this is my doing," Leitis said stoically.

"Why be so emotionless?" Nau questioned, "This is wonderful! Soon there shall be life outside of us three, we may be more powerful, but it will be so nice to see other life."

"What do you think the other life will look like?" Rian asked his golden eyes wide with excitement.

"Oh, there will be so many different things. There'll be animals with four legs and hair covering their bodies in short tuffs. There'll be two legged creatures that move in leaps, and creatures that hide in shells. There will be so many wondrous things that we can only dream of, I wonder what we'll name them." Nau said with a wide smile. As she spoke on different areas of the planets Nau's imagination created creatures.

"Nau, look at this!" Rian said, pointing to a figure in the distance that was on four legs. "It's just like what you said."

Leitis looked around in wonder, "It's Nau's power," she said solemnly. "I can control growth and Nau can create these things."

"Choose a name Nau, they're your creatures. Whatever do we call them all?" Rian questioned.

"Animals my dear brother, we shall call them animals Rian." Nau said as more and more creatures, animals, came into the world.

"There are so many," Leitis said in awe, her silver eyes shining.

"Shall we go explore?" Rian asked, as he continued looking around at the growing plants and moving streams and other lifeforms.

"Let's go explore," Nau said and began walking towards where she had seen the four-legged animal.


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