Shape-Shifter Project 101 (prologue)

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"Project 101 is ready sir," a grey haired lady with glasses told a 50 year old man who was in a lab coat.

"Thank you Cassandra, we are almost there!" The man seemed excited Cassandra smiled, but she seemed to be slightly afraid.

Suddenly an alarm went off and both of them jumped, the man looked at the security camera to find animals, wild animals running down the corridor to Project 101. "Stop them!" he shouted he turned and looked at Cassandra who was now pointing a gun at him. He snarled, "you're one of them, a Lycan!' 

She smiled at him, her voice cold and hard like steel, "time you realized you can't get away from me vampire!" A single shot fired out, the moment the bullet left the guns nozzle the man moved. Now a pale grey shape he ran so fast he was a blur, in one minute he was standing over Cassandra's dead body. He turned back into a human and went back to the computers, it now showed the lycan's running away with a panther holding a cheetah. 

The man growled and turned back to a vampire, he called out a loud call that sent anything into shudders as soon as they heard it. Vampire's all nearby flocked to go to the call, when they arrived there was fifty or more, the same amount as the lycan's. "Go, kill the lycan's and bring back Project 101!" He stayed by the computers and tried to find out where they were as the vampire's answered with, "yes, my king." And ran to follow the scent.

The lycan's, the wild animals ran they knew that the Vampire's would follow and attack them but they had come and achieved what they had needed. The Cheetah cub, Project 101 the panther holding the cub stayed near the front. All the animals ran, some moving off into the forest as they streaked past. Lycan's were humans who get shift shape into a single animal, but the cheetah cub had been tested on. And was injected with other lycan's DNA so who knew what could happen, but the Vampire's were apparently scared of the cub so the lycan's were going to use it for a secret weapon.

Suddenly the leading lycan, a lion roared "It's a trap! Run!" Since the lycan's were all different animals they could talk telepathically, the lycan's all tried to run off.. But with a snarl on their faces the vampire's closed in, they were surrounded. It was a massacre.... 

The panther who had been bounding through the forest silently, heard the lycan's cries she wished with all her heart she could head back but she had to deliever the cub. The cub meowed pathectily and the panther jumped up into a tree to check if any vampire's were arround. 

There wasn't so she jumped down and continued gracefully into thee forest, the cub swinging in her jaws. She transformed into a human with long black hair and brown eyes, her clothes had transformed with her and she hopped into a car. 

She put the cub in a cat cage on the passenger seat and drove as fast as she dared, weaving in and out of the cars and just missing some car crashes. She soon came to a screeching halt outside a airport, grabbing the cat cage with Project 101 in it she ran onto the ashfelt to her jet. 

Entering the front of the plane she sat in the pilot's seat, she injected a liquid into the cub's neck so it fell asleep.

An Hour Later Still On The Plane Above Africa Now!

The lycan suddenly heard the droning of other planes, waking up she turned off auto pilot and realized there were two planes tailing her, "vampire's." She cursed she looked at the sleeping cub, "I hope your worth it," she shot a rocket at one of the jet's which hit the wing so it went into a spiral. Then two more planes came from no where, they were on either side of her. Something hit the plane lightly, she figured out that they were forcing her to land. 

The lycan got the plane ready to land and got the cub out of the cage, as soon as the plane landed and the lycan had opened the door. She jumped out turning into a panther in mid air, with the cub in her mouth as soon as the vampire's saw this they blew up the plane. However the lycan and the cub weren't far enough away and a piece of debris came and hit the panther in the side tossing her off balance. 

The cub was thrown as the panther fell, the sound of a gun brought the cub back to consious, taking on last look at the dead panther the cub ran.

The cub ran for ages, running from the pale shape's behind it, soon they were gone from sight, scent and hearing but the cub kept running. After three hours of running the small cheetah cub collapsed in exhaustion. 

Night Time, (another two hours later) Lioness POV (name is Ruby)

I sniffed the air it smelled like half-animals, animals which could change shape to a human lycans, they called themselves. I was meant to be hunting, but then when fire came from the sky the others told me to check it out. I was the best stalker there was in our pride, I sniffed the air it was all old scents. 

Still being careful I walked over to what looked like a black lioness, I stopped when I reached it. It was a black panther, half-animal I could smell the scent of a cheetah cub on her. 

I ran off leaving the wreckage and half-animal behind me, I followed the scent of the cub. Since I was a fit lioness, unlike others and with my long legs I made it to the cub's body in half an hour. I looked at the cub's body I nuzzled it. It took a large breath in, it made a gasping sound as it woke up it must've run this whole way I thought. I grabbed the tired cub and took it back to the pride, I ran off kicking up dust with the cub swinging wildly in my mouth.

As I reached the pride Coal came forward, he was the leader I bowed my head and dropped the cub in front of me. "What is this half-animal you've brought Ruby?" He roared at me anger clear in his tone I cringed before looking up and standing my ground. 

"This cub, is a cub! No matter what she is she should be with her pride not left alone and straving! I will take care of the cub!" I growled at Coal he almost took a step back not used to anyone telling him off.

"What you have no milk!" He scoffed, suddenly a sand coloured lioness was by my side her tail rubbing up and down my back resurring as well as making sure I didn't attack Coal. The other lioness who had heard Coal were instanly by my side and growling their hackles up. 

Shaking off the sand coloured lioness, Desert, who was my friend I circled Coal. "Dare to repeat that?" 

Shaking his mane Coal looked at all of us, "fine! Keep the cub but you have to tell him, make him be one of us if I ever catch him alone he'll be dead." 

I picked up the cub and headed to my den near the nursery, but as I walked off I managed to catch a couple of words Desert was saying to Coal. "Her cub died, Leader pay more attentio before you lose your pride..."

I walked off and into the den, this time there was no cub lieing still on the floor like when I had left. I shuddered and lieing down pressing myself against the den wall. Letting the cub nurse I remembered back to this morning...

*FLASHBACK YAY* Due to the fact that this is a lioness giving birth I'm going to skip to the cub already born... 'Cus ya know....

I looked at the small, weak shape in front of me, licking with my tongue I felt the cub's spirit leave him. I felt a nudge in my shoulder and turned to look at Desert, "he's dead Ruby, come let's take your mind off him." With one last forlorn look at my still born cub I followed Desert to go on hunting patrol.

*End Of Flashback*

I mourned silently for my lost cub, as no one else would as the rules for our pride stated:

If a cub dies it will be treated like a found nomad, buried so not to attract other animals and no one mourns over it. The family may not be told where the cub's body resides.


So how was that? I needed to ramble for a bit as I wanted it to go for longer then a page (around 1000 words including paragraph spaces)

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