Twin Benders - Chapter 1

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Book 1: Water

Episode 1: The Twins in the Iceberg

Part: 1

The last thing I remember was the storm and a giant wave sweeping us underneath the waves and to where the water seemed less restless. However we weren't, my brother seemed unconscious and his giant flying bison, Appa, seemed to have lost consciousness as well.

I myself was panicking and then something happened, my brother's tattoo's glowed blue and so did his eyes. He grabbed onto Appa who I was still holding onto and then he did something magical and then... nothing.

And then I could hear, I seemed wrapped in a blanket of cold but I could hear words. "Ever since Mum died I've been doing all the work around camp!" There was yelling, angry yelling and that kind of yelling never meant anything good for me. "While you've been off playing solider!"

"Katara," I heard a male voice said, light started filling my vision and I shut my eyes in an effort to not go blind.

"I even washed all the clothes!" It was that dreadful yelling again, I could tell it was a female and by the sound of it they'd been doing too much work with no breaks to have fun. An ominous creaking could now be detected as the female person spoke.

"Have you ever smelt your dirty socks?" I would've chuckled if I could, however that dreadful cold seemed to have stopped my movements. "Let me tell you! Not. Pleasant!!"

"Katara!" A yell caught my attention and I opened my eyes and found myself looking at a crack, the cold seemed to be increasing slowly. "Settle down!"

"No!! That's it, I am done helping you! From now on, you're on your own!" I was starting think the person yelling needed to take a chill pill.

The creaking got louder and this time it was accompanied by the sound of rushing water. There was a muttering sound but it was too far away to hear. I started trying to gather my element and bend myself out of whatever was holding me captive. "We don't know what that thing is!"

A hitting sound made its way into my ears accompanied by a grunt, and the creaking started again but louder.

My brother and I got up in sync, I wasn't in control of my movements which had happened before when my brother was in his... state. I blinked and everything seemed to stop glowing and my brother fainted forwards, I on the other hand, leapt down the ice I was on, to where a girl had caught him.

The boy, who was probably the male person I had heard earlier, poked my brother's head. I coughed into my hand, "that's rude and mean." I said annoyed.

"Yeah Sokka, stop it," the girl said looking over at me. Probably taking in my dishevelled clothing and brown hair. I looked down at my hands which had arrow tattoos just like my feet did it was the markings of an airbender. However as females didn't shave their heads bald, we had our arrow tattoos around our throats, they started and ended at the windpipe.

I knelt down by the girl and my brother, "Aang, c'mon dude wake up." I said shaking him.

"I need to ask you something," Aang whispered as he looked at the girl, taking in her clothing. That was when I realised that the people who had found us where wearing water tribe clothing. "Please," my brother whispered hoarsely, I held in a laugh knowing his antics.

"Come closer," I was biting on my fist in an effort not to laugh.

"What is it?" The girl asked kindly, the boy behind her just looked plain confused.

"Will you go penguin sledding with me?" Aang asked quickly, a laugh escaped my mouth as I took in the girl's surprised expression.

"Ahh, sure?" She said sounding confused.

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