Wolf Eyes - Chapter I: Rogue

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The beta wolf howled, I got up from my position on the flat rock that had been my spot for the past two hours. I stretched and leapt off the rock and onto the ground, following the others of my pack. I was part of the Crimson Dusk pack. The Crimson Dusk was one of the five largest packs with a total of thirty wolves.

I came to a stop as I reached the rock that was in the centre of our normal pack grounds. It was an overly large rock that normally our Alpha stood on when he spoke to us. I titled my head up to get a better look of the wolf standing on top of the rock. The Alpha was a snow white wolf who was called Nilfar.

"Today," Nilfar proclaimed from his spot overlooking the crowd of wolves, "there is a hunt! Two of our scouts spotted a large deer herd late at night yesterday. Three of our hunters verified the claim and slowly forced the herd towards us! We hunt deer tonight! There are enough deer for everyone minus pups and Omegas."

One by ones the wolves tilted their heads up to howl, a small grimace crossed my face as I too tipped my head up. I howled with the others but quietly allowed a growl to rumble in my chest. I was an Omega within my pack. I was below the two other Omegas due to the fact I was born deformed. The other two were Omegas as they were newcomers to the pack, I knew that the hunt was a chance for them to gain a proper rank and their pack name.

Slowly the wolves stopped howling, I was happy to admit that I was one of the first to stop. Nilfar looked down at us, his eyes seeming to capture everyone's attention with one glance. "We hunt in ten, prepare for normal duties except Omegas. You are to prove yourselves this hunt."

I got up and walked off, normally being an Omega would mean being at the very back of the hunt. However being asked to prove ourselves, that would mean being up the front and one of the first to attack. I knew that each Omega would be told an actual position today, and my guess served correct as a Hunter walked over to me. "Omega you are to be on the opposite edge of the deer herd near the front, you are to make sure the deer do not change direction and charge towards the pack grounds."

I dipped my head in acknowledgement, making sure to keep my ears loosely forward, my gaze looking down and my tail tucked between my legs. I was not feeling up to causing a fight over not submitting - something I happened to do all too often.

The position I'd been told to take meant I would be one of the last to catch a deer - if there were any left in the end. I was also to be running the entire time and keeping the herd moving and staying in the pack territory. It was a hard position and one many wolves failed at. It was thought that you needed to have taken part in a certain number of pack hunts and trained for such a position. I had taken part in a number of pack hunts however with my bad position I shouldn't even be considered ready for such a position, even with training.

Looking up once again I made my way towards where the pack was gathering. I was met by four other hunters, each acknowledged me with a dip of their head. I stood with my head held high for a moment before remembering my position and nodding in return. For the duration of a hunt I could act like a wolf in the hunter position and as such I would receive the same acknowledgement they received.

"Follow along and we'll give you a keep bout of information about your position." One of the four wolves said as he led off at a quick pace. I followed in my slow, loping run. "You will not be asked to do much, if anything a short howl will tell you to move the herd closer left. You are to warn if you see a threat or if any deer charge or you lose dominance over the deer herd. One of us will easily come to your help to call for us simply howl loudly and quickly."

I nodded my head in understanding and the wolves slowed to a stop on the top of a hill. We looked down at the deer herd. "The same goes for if you are tired, one of us will run beside you until the pack arrives. Watch out for the deer Alpha, he may charge at you. But Nilfar should take care of him if he does so, the worst that can happen is the other Omegas or you stuff up. But we should be able to easily help get everything back in order."

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