Betrayed; Chapter 3

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Coming out of the portal, the Alpha Division and Annabeth, Piper, Henry and Leo found everyone staring at them. The gods appeared and explained everything before Athena raised an issue, "where are you going to sleep?"

Everyone in the Alpha Division with the exception of Percy groaned, Percy grinned at them. "Guys, Chaos said I can use my powers," the whole of the Alpha division perked up at this. "Do you have some room where an extra cabin can be made?" Percy asked, most of the gods had flashed out and now only Hades, Apollo, Hermes, Zeus, Athena, Hera and Hestia were still there.

Zeus walked off and everyone followed curious to what was going to happen, they had somehow ended up next to the Cabin Three, Percy’s old home. Clarisse, Nico, Luke and Percy went to a corner of the area each before closing their eyes. After a minute of nothing happening, Henry started laughing but then Percy raised his arm. A cabin appeared out of the ground, it was black and had moving stars on the walls. It had large windows on each side that were dark so no one could see in, but everyone could see out. The door was black and an Alpha symbol above the door and the chaos symbol on the door.

Percy, Luke, Clarisse and Nico all gave Henry a smug look, not that he could see it. Luke started walking forward but stumbled and Percy frowned, "Iroas get some rest you'll need it after that war mission and now this one."

"What are you going to do?" Luke asked knowing that Percy was up to something, Percy lowered his voice to answer.

"Going to say hi to a couple of old pets and friends and I want to learn where Thalia is," Percy said.

Nico hearing what they were saying was quick to add his input into the conversation, "Don't worry Iroas I'll keep him out of trouble; or try to anyway..."

"I highly doubt that will work!" Percy called out to the two behind him as he walked away.

Luke and Nico exchanged worried looks, "that's what I'm afraid of," Luke said before entering the cabin as Nico ran after Percy.

Percy made his way through the camp, keeping in the shadows as he ghosted his way towards the beach; one of his favourite places to think. Although Percy had been gone for 300 years, or 3 years as he recently learned. Percy had broken multiple of his old habits, in fact most of them were gone. Some things had stuck with Percy through thin and thick, certain people, flaws and habits not to mention friends and pets.

As Percy approached the beach his wary eyes missed the black speck circling in the sky. Percy’s eyes scanned the beach his eyes widened at the sight of the beach. The once glorious gold sand was a pale yellow ugly colour, Percy wondered how it had happened. The sea seemed dull and grey however further out to sea you could see the bluey green colour of the sea.

Nico who was trailing Percy, was amazed at the changes at the beach. Percy walked towards the beach however before he could take one step the black speck he had missed in the sky came diving down. The black speck landed in front of Percy, it was a pure black Pegasus. The Pegasus reared and reached out to bite Percy.

Percy took in the ruffled mane and tail of the Pegasus and the overall wild looking coat. The Pegasus looked like it hadn't been groomed in its whole life and Percy could make out small strands of grey fur in places, hardly see able.

No one, I repeat no one can go on this beach unless they're Boss! A voice said floating through Percy’s head.

Percy frowned in confusion, sorting through his memories and tried to figure out why the voice sounded so familiar. Suddenly an image formed in Percy’s' head, black Pegasus, calling him Boss, loving donuts.

"Blackjack?" Percy whispered out loud, Blackjacks' ears perked forward and he snorted.

Boss? The same voice flooded Percy’s mind, forcing memories and memories from the past forward.

"How many donuts do you think I owe you?" Came Percy’s reply accompanied with a chuckle.

Boss! Blackjack yelled happily letting loose a whinny, Percy walked forward and stroked Blackjacks' nose.

Unbeknown to the trio someone was carefully watching from a distance, how can he pat him? Since the traitor left Blackjack never let anyone touch him, who is Vios really?

Nico turned as if sensing someone was watching him, although the mysterious person knew they were invisible they let out a chuckle before running away nervously. While Nico had turned Percy had taken advantage and swung up on Blackjacks back.

Nico turned back to face empty air, he felt a moment of panic before sending a mind message to Percy. Percy, I was meant to keep an eye on you!

A chuckle came through the link, and Nico felt happiness as the sound reminded him of old days when everything was fine and they lived in Camp Half-Blood, however it wasn't like that anymore. Nothing is the same, Nico thought before shaking his head and getting rid of all morbid thoughts.

Good luck with that! Percy said back to Nico from his place on Blackjacks back as they circled the camp.

Blackjack shook his head with happiness as he flew through the air his wings and legs in sync as they moved. Percy peered over Blackjacks shoulder as they flew a kilometre or so out from the borders of Camp Half-Blood. A black smudge in the distance caught Blackjacks eye, hey Boss that ain't that another monster army marching over there right now?

Blackjack hovered in the air nervously and Percy narrowed his eyes at the smudge. As Blackjack approached the smudge slowly and hesitantly Percy realised Blackjack was right it was in fact a monster army. Or a small part of it anyway there might have been five hundred monsters or so, Percy narrowed his eyes.

Why have such a small section of the army attacking? Why not the whole section it would be easier and we could be easily overwhelmed or the chance would be slightly higher. Percy thought to himself, suddenly an idea sparked in his head.

"Blackjack turn around and head in the opposite direction," Percy yelled over the wind as he mind messaged the Alpha Division. Guys we've got five hundred monsters approaching from the east, going to check in the west in case of a surprise attack they are 15 kilometres away should attack early morning. A barrage of questions came from the others and Percy tried to call over the top of them but only received a painful headache from the clamour instead. Deciding to wait till they all stopped yelling questions at him, Percy blocked the others from talking to him as Blackjack headed towards the sun and in a westerly direction.

Unfinished Chapter but eh, I haven't actually looked at this for a while, so I reread over it today due to boredom and decided to post it. This is a Percy Jackson betrayed fan-fiction, I had started it before Blood Of Olympus came out as well. Anyway, blurb right:

In a shocking turn of events Percy finds himself about to be killed by Zeus a couple of months after the war with Gaea (Gaia). Percy finds himself saved by a couple of gods, one who he thought hated him. Percy goes on the run and meets up with Clarisse and Nico, the trio are then found by Chaos who then helps them in his own way. 

Now part of Chaos' army, the Alpha Division are on Earth and helping the Greek/Roman gods and demigods. With Percy as Vios (Life in Greek, I used Google Translate though so don't blame me if it's wrong!) leading the Alpha Divison Camp Half-Blood is in for a hell of a surprise with some of our favourite demigods back and ready for fun and war!

However will the Alpha Division be able to help Camp Half-Blood or will they turn against the gods in revenge for what happened to some of them?

So yeah that's the idea and blurb I don't have anything more to say about this, so have fun!

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