Eagle at Dawn - Chapter One

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A person detached themselves from the shadows and watched one of the most well known criminals; Payer who always used others to do his dirty work and paid them for it.

The person approached Payer none of their face could be seen due to the clock and hood they were wearing. From the depths of the hood two golden eyes looked out, the cloak looked like bird feathers but from the feel of it and the way it moved you could tell it was made of a material as it moved with the persons shape not once flowing behind like a proper cloak should.

The Payer looked up to the hooded figure, "E- Eagle," he stuttered scared of the person before him.

"Nice to meet you Payer, however it's probably not that nice to meet me is it?" The Payer whimpered at Eagles playful tone. "Now, now there's no need to be scared unless of course your going to tell a certain force about me are you?" Payer shook his head his hands shaking beside him and he looked at Eagle.

"Of course not, I can give you anything just don't hand me over!" Payers voice shook as he looked into Eagles eyes.

"Hmm, unlikely however you will say this, from the shadows they come, at Dawn they go, the Eagle flies overhead. Got it?" Eagles sickly sweet tone made the Payer stop shaking and stand strong.

"Well I'm not about to let myself get caught!" Payer opened his hand and a yellow sword formed.

"Wrong thing to do Payer," Eagles tone was no longer playful or light now it was dangerous and dark. "A yellow is not hard to handle at all, and your best weapon is a sword? Hopeless," a sword appeared in Eagles hands. It was a light blue sword with a black and golden hilt with designs on the blade; designs of the legendary spirit animal - a griffin.

The sword gleamed in the darkness and Eagle attacked within moments the Payer was on the floor unconscious and Eagle pointed her sword to the sky. A light blue beam shot up and then Eagle was gone and only a feather remained.


"Well that was lovely," Eagle said in an abandoned house her hooded cloak had disappeared. Leaving Eagle wearing a light blue t-shirt and black pants, Eagle had white hair that only went as far as her shoulders. A tattoo of a griffin in flight could be seen on her left forearm while an eagle was on her right forearm. A sword and sheath was on her right hip and she looked ready for anything.

Humming to herself Eagle took of the sword and changed into looser clothing, she looked out the window as light crept through. "Does dawn happen when the night turns to day at twelve am? Or is dawn when the light comes?" Eagle asked herself she fell into a bed, "ergh what do I care." With that said Eagles eyes shut and sleep welcomed her.

As silence crept through the house Eagle found herself caught in her nightmare once more, except this time was in a dream not reality but it felt like reality all too much.

The three man team crept towards the building, Zephyr who had brown hair and blue eyes was the eldest and team leader he was 15. Calia had blonde hair and green eyes she was the same age as the last team member. Dawn had white hair with golden eyes, they gleamed as she surveyed the building. Dawn had the most power out of the whole team however she never used it preferring to stick with her reliable sword.

Dawn felt something, a gut feeling that not all was right, "guys we should wait for back up something's wrong."

Zephyr looked at Dawn and snorted, "nothing's wrong, baby," Dawn glared at him.

"I'm only a year younger," she said annoyed.

Zephyr opened his mouth to speak but Calia spoke instead. "Guys this is no time to argue, Zephyr stop being a pain and Dawn I can't feel anyone else around." The other two nodded and all three crept towards the building.

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