Wolf Dog (Jungle Fights)

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I woke up as green light washed over my sleeping place, when I woke up I found myself staring at something brown. I jumped and hit myself on another branch, I then remembered all that happened yesterday. If I was to survive in the jungle I would have to learn about.... Everything, I knew there were tigers, monkeys and birds in the jungles of India. I knew it was hot and humid and hardly any water and lots of bugs. I heard screaming above and looked up to see swinging monkeys, swinging from branch to branch and vine must be tiring I thought. In this weather its likely to get thirsty easy, I'll follow to see if they're going to water. I followed finding it hard to make my way through the thick undergrowth of the forest. I eventually heard the lap-lap of water hitting the ground. It was likely to be a small pond but that was good enough.

I heard the soft purr of an engine and crouched down watching the clear path in front of me. I saw a tiger pad across the track and started drinking from the small pond. I wanted to warn the tiger but that would put me at risk besides the tiger may just turn on me! I watched as a camouflage safari jeep travelled along the path. The guide pointed out the tiger and I deemed it safe to go and went passed the front of the jeep as it stopped watching the tiger. I started drinking the water when I heard a roar behind me, growling I saw the tiger coming towards me. I sidestepped and tried to grab its orange and black pelt in my teeth. I kissed and my jaws closed on empty air, I had just enough time to turn and jump as the tiger thundered past again. The tiger was very fast but couldn't turn as quickly as me, but was just as quite. I waited crouching down as the tiger approached I waited till the last minute and jumped at the tiger. I snapped at the tigers face causing a small cut and I felt the tigers claws scrap down my side. I retreated back looking at the tiger and feeling blood drop down my side. I growled again making it so the water was lapping around my paws. The tiger came again ducking so I couldn't get at its face, the tiger kept coming and I got ready to pounce. When the tiger pounced I leapt up trying to get above the tiger. The tiger landed with a splash and I landed on its back grabbing with my teeth. It was like the cow all over again, I tried to get a better grip but I could feel my grip going. I jumped up and landed behind the enraged tiger and grabbed its tail between my jaws. The tiger shot off and I trailed along behind it, just as the tiger was about to vanish I pulled with all my strength. The tiger slowly came to a stop and started straining forwards but I had turned and was starting to move forward slowly. One step at a time the tiger was pulled backwards I kept moving getting slightly faster and faster.

Then I heard a warning gasp from the jeep and turned letting go of the tiger. I saw the tiger claws out stretched coming towards me, there was no way of escaping so I tucked my head down and crouched, ready to meet the tiger head on. I leapt just as the tiger leapt at me, I managed to bite its head and I felt the claws hit my head. I bounced off and got up to see the tiger coming at me again I ran forward desperately and again snapped at the tigers head but missed. I felt the tigers claws whistle past my head and jerked backwards so instead of my head being cut off. My eye was punctured and one of my ears taken off. The blood poured from my wounds and my eyes were now seeing through a red haze. I ran at the tiger and jumped before stopping and as the tigers head went up to catch me, I ran forward and grabbed Rita throat. Gripping the throat in my teeth I started to squeeze, I slowly walked backwards choking the tiger all the time. The tiger stopped struggling in my mouth and I dropped it, it had been knocked out, I walked back towards the pond and collapsed in it.

I was lying in the pool, I had stopped bleeding and was now just sore, I stayed in the pond falling asleep. I woke up cold in the pond, feeling exhaust I remembered the fight with the tiger. I looked at my reflection, I was missing my ear and my eye was nothing. My skin had closed over the eye hole and all the blood was gone. I started moving through the forest following the smell of food. I came across some wooden platforms made for monkeys, I saw a hut thing and walked towards it. I could smell someone inside and I knew I had to get help or it could get infected and I die. I lay down in front of the door and waited, I heard a door open and looked at the woman looking down at me. I looked up and got up waging my tail, I tried to get in and she let me. She had a needle thing and I looked away she had put me on a table thing. I looked at something through the window, a tiger. Then I felt a pin prick and blackness came over me.

I woke up to see the lady holding water to my mouth I swallowed it gratefully I the closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up it was two hot, I panted I tried to get up but my muscles weren't responding. I shivered it was so cold! I tried to focus but I couldn't and I faded from consciousness. My memories of my life whirled into my head and I thought about growing up on the streets and learning I remember trying to cross the road. I remembered taking down the cows but knew question whirled around my mind in a haze of pain. To live or to die? I remember an elderly dog knocking me out of the way of a truck and being run over - she died for me. My mother fought and sacrificed herself so that I may live, my Father dropped me in a river for a chance of life. I was not going to give up now, turns of hot and cold racked my body. And I felt shivering under something heavy, and water washing over me and dripping into my mouth.

I felt the fever leave me and I woke up exhausted I lifted my head and tried to get up. I collapsed back onto the table and panted heavily, I felt strength enter my body and managed to jump off the table. I saw the door open and walked out, I felt something come up on my left and jump. I tried to look to the left, to hear from the left but there was nothing. I whimpered and turned my head and saw the human who had looked after me. She dropped some raw meat in front of me, I ate it and walked off. I didn't look back, I just walked into the jungle and disappeared from her sight. Don't get me wrong, I was thankful I'm just not the dog to show my feelings.

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