Project 101 (Chapter 1)

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***Project 101 / Cheetah Cub POV***

I nodded my head as I listened to what I had to do to become a full member of the pride, I wouldn't be a cub anymore! I would have all the privaliges as any full member of the pride for 16 years of serving. Before I left to go do my task I went to talk to my mum, Ruby as I entered the den I realized how old she was now. She had greying hairs along her back and her muzzle was almost fully grey, she got up and came towards me. Her head still held high with pride, I rubbed my head against her and purred.

"I have to take down wilderbeast, do you have any advice?" I asked her.

"None that you don't know already," we both chuckled, "but there is something I must tell you before you go." I nodded and we went to the back of the den in the gloom where no one would overhear us. "Lie down this could take a while," I nodded, unsure of what was happening but obeying anyway. "The year I found you, it was the day my cub had died he was my last cub. I nodded, she had told me this before, "so the other lioness, bless their health, decided we should all go on a hunt to take my mind of things. It did help and as we were about to attack we all heard a large shattering boom! We saw fire coming burning to the sky the herd ran off and we waited a few seconds discussing what to do. Eventually they sent me to go there, as I reached the place where we had seen the fire I heard the sounds of a gun." I shuddered, we all knew what guns were and what they could do, "well when I reached the plane I found the body of a half-animal." I nodded showing I understood what a half-animal is, "well she was a black panther and she had the sent of a cheetah cub on her. I followed the scent of this young cub to find a cheetah cub, it was a half-animal as well."

"No," I said shaking my head, "it can't be!" 

Ruby cut in and spoke again her voice stern, "let me finish cub!" I flinched under her gaze and shrunk down meaning my fur went down and I looked smaller then usual. "Well I brought the cub back and I had an arguement with Coal. He eventually said yes but he said he would kill you the moment you were left alone."

"Is that why there is always a lioness watching me or nearby?"

Ruby sighed, "yes cub, that's why I'm so worried about this I'm afraid he will attack or something worse...."

I looked at Ruby who was now standing, I was back to my normal size "he sent me after the leader of the wilderbeast do you think he wants me to die still?"

Ruby looked at me, "I think so, now go cub! I can't wait to find out what your name is!" 

Prehaps I have to explain why I am being called cub even though I am sixteen years old. The reason is you can't get your warrior name until you have done your task which is always on your 16th birthday, and since I was a cheetah not a lion I had to do it their way and since I was stuck with the lions I had learned to speak by roaring not like a cheetah which are more barks and grunts.

Suddenly I was excited, why you may ask the reason is I can run! I took off leaving the pride basking in my dust as I ran at cheetah speed which can out run a car well, I could. I had raced other cheetah's of course I highly doubt that the lions in the pride knew that I had beaten every cheetah. Which due to the fact I knew now that I was a half-animal meant I was possibly faster then everything in the world. I slowed down as I spotted the herd of wilderbeast, I growled catching the distant smell of three other predetors. I jumped out of the tall grass towards the wilderbeast which took off, I followed slowly for me waiting till they were slightly more tired. A couple of minutes later I was bored so I decided I would just go for the leader now. I cut through the pack like my claw through meat I headed towards the leader. When I was in pouncing distance I pounced and landed on his back, without waiting a second I delivered the killing bite to his neck. I jumped of as the wilderbeast came to a stop and then fell over, I roared my joy to the sky and watched as the heard dissapeared into the distance.

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