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It's been a long time since I've written something for my Time Keeper series, so as I feel most guilty about leaving things on a cliffhanger for a little under a year at this point, I got an idea with our beloved cursed couple. Enjoy my friends, hope you are all doing well, sending love from Hogwarts to where-ever you are, always ..Morgan

(Albus POV)

God help me, she said it. It was over with Theo and now, here I was standing a few feet from her. I had been her friend of course, held her when she got upset, took her on days out when she wasn't feeling great. I was normal but something was different, I couldn't tell it just was sitting there staring at me and for the life of me could I figure it out. Months past quick, we were nearing the end of our first couple of months of school. After this year, Mia was headed to become a healer and I was going into potion development with mum in our werewolf programme, at least that's what I call it. Makes it sound less serious and that's how I usually prefer things. Dad always talks about his last year in school, like a weird acid driven dream after a decade of nightmare filled nights. Mine were much less dramatic than his but relationships were equally as complicated. 

She's my best friend. Like the purest definition of it. I have loved her since I was five and I will go on loving her till I die. Mad that? that you can meet someone as a kid, laughing at bum jokes or funny noises and the next you're staring at them across the room trying to imagine life without them. Rose is family, Scorp is a brother but Mia, Mia didn't have to be anything to me. We were never to meet, Scorp and I would have no doubt met through school and he and Rose would have fallen in love either way that's for sure. Mia and I were a 1 in a million chance. Her dad and mine barely tolerate each other on a good day, when they argue it's an explosion. Yet how can I meet someone, who was made for another world and yet stitched within the very person I am today. My darling girl. I can't help but smile now, as I gaze at her telling a story about some daft pipe smoking wizard she met in the forbidden forest. Even though she's absolutely full of it sometimes, she's certainly convincing. 

We were all collected in the common room, sharing a bottle of firewhiskey as the rain batters against the windows outside. Mia's cat Pallas purrs at my feet as someone has music playing off their phone to match the mood. When she finishes her story, Bob takes his turn and spouts a tale. She gets up, placing her glass to the side, telling Rose she's gonna go grab a sweater or something. I stand quietly, getting a glance from Scorpios. 

The truth is, whether I'll ever admit out loud or not, I have always loved her. In a way I didn't know was possible. She is beautiful and exciting with fireworks bursting from her heart, beyond infuriatingly stubborn and incomprehensible at times. But, despite her faults who I call beloved friends, her goodness surpasses all my understanding. I know now that we as people are quite different. I have quick thoughts and on a whim, I sometimes don't know the right words or don't say enough. Mia she's, she's well thought out, personally planned with a hint of genuis and always knows what to say whatever the situation. However there's quietness within her, only few have seen it. A hidden dark spot on her sunshine heart, it's held close, held tight and if you are lucky, as I am, you will see it. You will see it when winter nights drag in and she hates the dark, you'll see it when someone mentions her father in a negative light. You will see it most when she says nothing, sits in a chair and looks out the window and the thoughts pool in her head, she believes the lies that muddle her positivity, that ruin her day and she has a headache from it all. I saw it today. 
It's been more frequent and I don't want it to be the only thing she remembers from the last year of her schooling. That's why I stood up and followed her quietly out, when she noticed me there, I saw her paint a smile. 
"You alright?" She asked me.
"Yes, I just thought you would want the company" I smiled in return, walking by her side now. 
"Sweet, thank you" She nodded as we reached the first set of stairs, we walked on silently. 

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