Chapter 34 - Arianna Zabini

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"Pass the salt would ye" Said Albus to Scorpios. It was near Christmas during their fourth year.    "Scorp" He called again. "SCORPIOS!" He yelled in the Slytherin's ear.

"Ouch , oh, what sorry?" Scorpios removed his jaw from his hand. Looking to Albus sleepish.

"Pass the bloody salt numpty and while I have your attention, stop gawking at my cousin" He declared strongly, Scorpios scoffed and passed him the salt shaker.

"You stare at mine" He replied.

"No offense but everyone stares at you two's cousins" Bob Goyle answered. "I've seen boys scald their hands off soup and a few fall over and fall out windows, they're a danger"

"Yeah, well... thanks for the up date" Albus shuddered. "Didn't really wanted to know the whole bloody school has been staring at My Rose and his Mia"

"Yours ?" Theo the second asked. "They're women, not birds in cages"

"But saying that Theo, they are birds" Winked Leo Zabini. "Sorry" He added seeing the seething faces of Malfoy and Potter.

"Who you talking about?" Asked Verity Finnigan. Seamus Finnigan's daughter who was a year older.

"Rosie and Mama" Albus smirked.

"Who?" She questioned more.

"Rose Weasley and Mia Malfoy" Bob interpitated.

"Oh, that makes sense" She shrugged sheepish. "They are very beautiful" She looked to her plate.

"All the girls in Hogwarts are beautiful, including you" Scorpios said in his usual gentlemen charm, she bruned crimson.

"Oh, why, thankyou"She cleared her throat, pushing back her brown hair from her face.

"I wish Mia would just give me a chance" Theo said saddened suddenly.

"Maybe if you didn't act like a egotistical arse then maybe she'd consider?" Suggested Bob.

"Or not, maybe she thinks you as a brother " Scorpios hoped. "Or worse, a friend"

"Or maybe she fanices him and that she can't have a boyfriend because her father believes her angelic and no boy from Hogwart is deserving of his perfect princess" Arianna Zabini said at the end of the table almost disgusted at the conversation. "Which I don't understand considering she has the personality of a wet mop and the face of a troll"

"Easy Arianna, someone might think you don't like Mia" Leo scoffed.

"Speaking of which, look who's coming in" Bob said.

Mia pushed the door open with a yawn and walked over to the table. Rose bid her Gryffindor friends farewell and skipped over to Mia who greeted her with a smile and compiments.

"So curly and pretty as usual" Mia Says softly.

"Oh yes Arianna, I see what you mean , complete bitch" Albus sarcastically snarled. Arianna hid behind her book again.

"Good morning everyone" Mia smiled and sat down.

Her appearence much changed since she began Hogwarts.Once long and curtain like, her blonde almost white hair was cut to in a long bob that waved. Her eyes big and expression filled. Perfect teeth with never needing help with brace nor dentist. Her pale skin never burned for imprefected. Underneath such beauty a battle she fought that no one knew about. And to this day, she still disapeared twice a month to place armour on and charge into the frey once more.

"Morning" They all said in reply in their own way.

"Heavens Theo, you look sad, what's wrong?" She asked, pouring a cup of pumkin juice. He shook his head with a sad sigh.

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