Chapter 16 - The end of Weasley's vs Malfoy's

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" YOU DID WHAT ! " Pansy exclaimed excitedly. Mia who was playing on the rug , jumped out of her skin , throwing a toy block into the air , only for it to fall and hit her on the head .

" Pansy for Godric's sake , my heart " Blaise said walking in with a very shaky cup of tea .

" I'm sorry dear , really I am , but Draco made a move on the bookworm ! " She grinned widely . Mia who was rubbing the top of her blonde head stumbled over to Draco .

" What do you mean , he made a move on Granger ? " Draco who was now completely red faced , picked up clearly upset Mia on his lap and cuddled her in .

" I regret opening my mouth " Draco pinched the bridge of his nose . " Why are you , the way that you are Pansy ?" Blaise snorted and sat down in his favoured arm chair .

" Look , just tell us what happened " His friend smiled and ushered him to continue . Draco sighed.

" So Mia , asked me to pass on a kiss to Granger and Potter , which one neither was actually going to happen in the first place " Mia sat up abruptly and looked at her father very cross. " Don't look at me that way , you know how I feel about Potter " He answered and she fell back into his chest . " So Hermione apparently was asked by her God son or whatever to pass on a hug to Mia " Clearly uncomfortable with the talk of touchy-feely-ness . Draco was stiff and bored while talking .

" And ? " Pansy pushed . Again Draco sighed .

" Well , we ..hugged and..."

" You liked it didn't you " Blaise grinned . Draco rolled his eyes .

" Well it was cold and , she was ..warm and I .."

" Oh heaven's sake Draco , it was a hug not a declaration of love , did you like it or not ! "

" FINE , YES " He hid his face in his hand .

" Now continue " Blaise said passing Leo , who was on the rug still by the fire , a biscuit .

" So , I got ..encouraged I guess , I decided that Mia deserved her kiss to be passed on so I kissed her face and then I kissed the other side " He took a deep breath . " And then I might've , accidently , lowered my face and kissed , her neck " Gasps filled the room .

" You kissed the bookworm's neck and then what ! " Pansy sat upward , excited and filled with lovey-dovey feelings in her stomach , that made her sigh and hold Blaise's hand .

" I left "

" That's it , you just , left " Pansy sunk in the chair .

" Yes "

" That's it ? "

" Yes ..?"

" Well that's anticlimactic " Blaise said taking a sip of tea . " Not that it's any of my business "

" ANITCLIMACTIC !, she's never going to look at me again , it's going to terrible , I've ruined everything ! " Draco said exasperated . Pansy shook her head and stood up , pouring Draco a cup of tea .

" No Drake , you started something new " Draco frowned . " Something , new and better and if you let it happen , then it will be the greatest thing you did since having that child , which by the looks of things has fallen asleep " Mia clearly bored , had indeed feel asleep on her father's chest .

" This is ridiculous , why I am getting fussed over this , so what I kissed the Bookworm , the best kiss she's had obvious being married to the that red twit "

" Speaking of that red twit " Blaise started . Draco raised his gaze to him .

" What of him ? "

" Well , he's been assigned for scout to find the children , you know for the programme and I know you were interested in getting Mia into it , we wanted Leo apart of it too , the problem is .."

" Is...?" Draco pushed agitatedly .

" That they need full background checks , if she wants to do it , she's needs her identity to be shown to the Auror department , who tell the ministry "

" Who do house visits " Pansy continued " Hopefully you get Potter but , if some finds out about Mia"

" Everyone will know " Draco glanced down and looked at her .

" If they find the hospital bills and such , Draco they'll blame you " Blaise stated worriedly .

" Astoria being apart of the American Wizard community , they'd be no way in hell she could prove she was even here , and well with our backgrounds and pasts " Blaise sighed .

" Weasel will have her taken , we know how much he'd have in that " Draco sneered .

" But , we have a plan , but your are not going to like it , but it has to work " Pansy looked to Blaise who nodded .

" What's the plan ? " Draco asked . Curious , he looked intently at them .

" Well , your 2nd cousin Teddy works with his uncles right ? " Draco nodded ." What if put in a good word , let Mia meet them at work , see how sweet she is with you and maybe Weasley wil be convinced by his brothers and father of changed you are , you father apologised to Arthur , maybe this could be it , the end of Weasley's vs Malfoy's " Pansy explained . Draco thought for a second .

" Maybe even let Potter introduce her to them , if he takes her on in the programme then maybe before the shit hits the fan , Potter can smooth things over , Hermione being Minister she could pull a few strings , it could work " Blaise continued . " Heck isn't Mia best friends with Weasley's daughter , that's bound to pull on the old sod's heart strings " . " But if you do this Malfoy , it means you bring her officially into our world "

" I've decided to let her go to Hogwarts after all " Was all Draco answered .

" Well this is a great way for her to be shown , prepare her for what's ahead , if anything , which I highly doubt , did happen , sadly Draco it seems our little Mia is growing up all to soon " Pansy said glancing to the girl . Draco was silent , thinking deeply of everything .

" Their is one problem " Draco finally spoke after a minute or two of silence that made the couple uneasy. The looked at him confusedly . " Their is of course the situation we have to establish that is the fact that Ronald Weasley , as big of a git he is , blames me for his brothers death and it would be ..cold of me to treat as though Fred did not exist, so whatever or however Mia meets the Weasley clan , it would have to be kind and with respect , if we want to end the rival then it should be done rightly and not filled with double meaning , I talk to Potter today , we have meeting this afternoon , everything will be put in order , that is if he doesn't bloody hit me for kissing his best friend " He stood from his chair , carrying Mia with him . " Thank you both for everything , I'll owl you after it's done " With a nod to his friends and hand the ruffle Leo's hair , he left the house .

" I think she's rubbing off on him , I thought pigs would fly before Draco cared about a Weasley " Pansy chuckled . Blaise smiled lightly .

" Not for a Weasley Darlin , for a Granger " .


edit: we hit 200 reads ! , I know that's not too impressive , but it is for me ! , thanks a million!

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