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"Over here Fin, is Gringrotts, your a goblin you belong in there" She had her baby brother in a baby sling, he couldn't answer her, only droll down her but she paid it no mind. Draco and Hermione were strolling behind her with bags of shopping and a pram. They were secretly listening to her and trying their best not to giggle. "Oh look, Bob!" She points , seeing a tall beast of a boy. 6ft 5 and built for a beater, it was her bestfriend.

"Bobby McGee!" She greeted, he turned with a great smile and it grew wider seeing little Finlay. "My favourite Malfoys, don't tell Scorpios, how's it going little man" Finlay's brown eyes only grew wider. "Not much of a talker is he?" He joked and she let out a giggle. "He's shy but I'll getting him chatting, what you doing-" "Bobby" Tiberius Goyle left the shop and called his brother but froze at the sight of Mia. "Oh, hello Mia" "Hello Tiberius, how've you been?" She asked kindly. He was quite taken back by her smile. "Um, good, by the looks of things you've been busy" He pointed to Finlay. "Family of yours?" "No, found him on a park bench, felt sorry for him, this is my brother Finlay" She gave a giggle. "Now forgive his manners if he ignores you, he's only 4 months old" She mused, ruffling his blonde tuffs of hair. "Yes-well-yes! that's what it was, dad's in there picking us brooms, you better go in before he picks us clean-sweeps and we're both ruined" Tiberius said eagerly. "Good Gracious , clean-sweep my arse" Bob walked off with nothing more to say, his usual nature that Mia was much used to by now. "Forgive my brother's foul language" Tiberius said moving his eyes up and down awkwardly. Mia sympathised with him. "I forgive quite easily" She smiled looking to Tiberius. He seemed quite loss for words. "Albus, he's always asking for you, to see if you're okay" a pause " But I remind him, that you're stronger than you look, no offence, people say the same thing about me, but it's people like you and I- and Albus, that even with a deep dark secret, we can still fight our demons, Albus doesn't blame you, no one does, you know have you heard of Remus Lupin?" He shook his head. "Well, he was one of the many father figures in Harry Potter's life, he fought in the order when it was first created, he was highly intelligent, a lot people said he might've belonged in Ravenclaw, but Remus had a dark secret, that ruled his life, he was were-wolf, he was afraid of everything, but it took the right people to make him see he deserved the world as much as anyone, he married, had a baby-who's one of my favourite young men now and he died a beloved hero, who loved chocolate" She touched his arm. "Remember Remus Lupin when someone tells you, that you can't do something- life's too precious to be worrying about the opinions of people who are in your life for a second and not it's entirety, good bye Tiberius, tell Bob I'll see him on the train in September" She mused. Leaving she walked back to Hermione and Draco who were currently bickering over colours for their room.

"What's wrong with red" Hermione huffed. Trying to open her box of every flavour bean. "Red.. why not you go and paint a lion on our wall, maybe right - Weasley is our king above our bed or even better get a big picture of Harold and Ronald with their big faces plastered on our walls " Draco replied taking the box of jelly beans and opening them for her and handing them back. "Thank you- don't be dramatic okay, forget red then, what about cream?" She asked. "You two arguing, there's a surprise" Mia smirked. "I was just a very good person and here you two are ruining me and Finlay's mood, aint that right brother?" She looked down to him, but he was snoozing. "Yes he looks very alarmed indeed" Quipped Draco. "Let me put him in his pram and let him get a nap" He took him from the sling and placed him cosy into the pram, nice and comfy. "Now tell me, what you're bickering about" Mia took off the sling and placed it in Hermione's extendable bag. "We don't know about the colour we want to room to be, cream anyway? spilt milk colour no thank you" Draco answered. Hermione stuck her tongue out at him, he replied the same.

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