Bonus chapters for hitting 2k! - Scorpios & Rose POV

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These next two chapters are dedicated to you! Thank you so much for the amazing support! I hope you enjoy these scenes, that I originally wanted but decided against, almost deleted scenes from a movie. Please remember to vote, comment and read the follow ups, Harry Potter and the time keeper ! And it's prequel ! Harry Potter and how time began! Thank you again for all the love and support, always - Morgan x

(Mia and Theo have just started dating, the gang is slightly splitting, as Scorpios and Rose feel torn)

There she was in all her beautiful light. Red curls reaching her shoulder and as soft as feathers. Brown eyes sewn to a book that rested on her lap, a pet cat purring at her feet. Rose Ginerva Weasley . The kindest and the most oblivious heartbreaker you'll ever meet. How could she not see it? He thought. How could she not see the genius craft of her face and intelligence? Here now on Saturday, the day after the wonderful Quiddich match that made everything complicated. She sat dressed in her muggle attire, bare foot as the summer sun bathed her through the window. He'd left his dormitories to grab a book but was struck frozen by the sight of her. He had no true courage like his cousin, she could tie him in circles when it came to this sort of stuff, but he'd rather wave to opportunities as they pass than take them. Speaking of Mia, she'd entered too.

"Rosie!" She cried, receiving multiple shushes. "Sorry" She apologised and Scorpios rolled his eyes.

"Mia, what are you up to?" Rose smiled as Mia took a seat opposite her.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all" Mia twirled one her golden strands with her finger.

"Your going to meet with Theo, aren't you?" Rose raised an eyebrow, lowering her book slightly, her attention on her mischievous friend.

"Oh no of course not.. he's meeting me here" She smirked. Rose gaped and through a scrunched up piece of parchment at her.

"You're awful" Rose gaped.

"Hardly, just having fun" She shrugged.

"Fun, sounds like me" Theo entered from the back door and surprised Mia from behind. She couldn't help but laugh, receiving more shushes.

"That'll be us then, see you later dearest" Mia waved as Theo takes her hand and they leave through the back.

Scorpios swallows, seeing the empty chair,here's a chance. Rose shakes her head with a amused smile, letting go of a deep breath she gazed around the room. Her eyes land on him. He has no choice, no turning back. He clears his throat with a smile and takes the seat where Mia once sat.
"Hello" He said awkwardly. She's unsure why he's being so strange, turning her head gazing at him.

"You okay?" She said offering a smile. His eyes move quickly, not sure where to place them , so finally he places them on her. Baby blues that made her melt.

"um, no not really" He lets out a shaky laugh. She closes her book at once.

"You wanna talk about it?" She leans over in her chair, placing her hand on his. He stares at them, covering her hand with his other, as if holding a precious bird in a cage.

"Yes, but not here" He said, she frowns but still agrees.

"So you take me away from my comfy chair and book, this must be very important" She teases as they reach a deserted hill in the grounds of the castle. 

"Yes, very important, so important in fact I'm terrified" He stated putting a hand through his blond hair.                                                                                                                                                             

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