Chapter 29 - Life Is Cruel & Beautiful All At Once

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Hermione did floo to see her. Hermione did tell her about her mother. Hermione did tell her the genetic possibility. Hermione didn't however expect the answer.

"I know" She said.

Astounded Hermione frozen to the ground.

"I don't understand?" Hermione asked, baffled beyond belief.

"I know about the illness" She said.

The calmness was unnerving. She was devastated of her mother's death of course but the sad smile that loosely sat upon her handsome face was the part that Hermione found strange.

"You know what that means ,right?" Hermione asked sitting down with the girl in her dorm.

"That the possibility of me having it and killing me, yes I know that too" She answered simply. A peace was upon her that oozed through her eyes and straight into Hermione's soul.

"But your father-"

"He wasn't told because he was never to find out, till the day did come" She said sadly, not for the illness or that fact she might die young, no but the fact that her plan of her father finding out later had been ruined.

"That's cruel, Mia, how could you do that to him?"

"Hermione, if you knew you had an hour left on the earth and you could be with your parents would you tell them that you were dying?, or let them enjoying the finale moments you had with them, blissful, worriless hour and the minute after you leave, you die knowing you had the best hour of your life? or, tell them and spend the hour convincing them that'll be okay and sobbing, seeing the pain in their eyes, I did not want to see the pain in my father's eyes everyday and now, I do" She clasped her fingers together looking to the floor as she answered.

"It's selfish"

"Yes, but you'd be dead, you wouldn't have guilt" She leered gently and Hermione grew angry and stood from the bed.

"This is not a joke"

"Did I start my sentiment with 'knock knock' ? I believe it was question of opinion, we differ" She asked rhetorically and Hermione raised her eyebrow.

"Look, your father is worried and sick-"

"Exactly the reason I did not want him to find out, he has you now Hermione, he no longer needs me"

"What does that mean? of course he needs you, your his child, not a secretary , you can't clock in and out as you please" Hermione shook her head.

"Hermione, but I can, this illness can, I could be here now and the moment you leave, gone-"

"Don't speak like that"

"You'll have to get used to it, it's what the doctors will say, it's what they've been telling mum for years"

"She lasted years, how can't you, if Astoria got it from her mum and she lived till she was 30-something why can't you?, why do you have to be gone in a minute or an hour?" Hermione stated.

"Because mother had been taking medicine since she was born, pushing it forward, father can tell you, she drank green juice, she pretended it was a favoured drink when actually it was medicine, seen any green potions in my diet?" She asked Hermione.

"No, not that easy Mia, I can't, I refuse to let you go that easy, nor will your father-"

"The Gryffindor in you is showing, better hide it, people might think your still an 18 year old war hero and not the Minister of Magic" Mia stood from the bed, putting on her coat.

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