Chapter 7: Him and the kid , Her , Those Two and Potty

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Hermione smiled at the letter from her son. He was enjoying his school and that's all she could hope for . She finished her letter and enveloped it , with a stamp . She pondered for a second but continued to the window were her resting owl stood.
" To my Hugo please " Her owl she'd had for years , knew everyone she wrote to , so no big details was needed . The clearly tired owl sqauked . " I know , but's my last one of the day I promise " She giggled and stroked the owl with a finger. If it was human it would have rolled it's eyes and snatched the letter from her hand. But in owl form it shook his feathers aggitatedly and nipped her finger while taking the letter , not to hurt but to annoy .
"Honestly" Hermione shook her head and the bird flew away. She laughed slightly and closed the window . Had she made a mistake ? she thought as she sat back at her desk. Had she really asked Draco for a truce meeting?, well if you want to call it that . They had already set things straight but with everything being thrown around and information , a lot of information , she had learned it just didn't seem to make sense. She had to sit down , have a evening and talk. Had she really met Draco's daughter , a daughter of all things too?. A little girl , pure of mind and heart , who saw no blood , no anger that adults held in their eyes . She'd befriended Harry?, starting something the bloomed in saving children like herself. It was all confusing . She was so kept underwraps. So hidden from the world of death eaters and Voldermort. The innocence leaped from her and who would have thought of describing a Malfoy as innocent?, almost angelic . She was kind and compassionate , Hermione's 3rd year self saying to her-


But now it was obvious , she had learned it from her father , a greiving man who held sorrow in his heart for a decade or so now . She saw the ache in his face, just a few times. When he was apologising to her and even the last time she was at his home.

She remembered turning her head , tears numbly rolling down her face , her arm indescribably sore as Bellatrix screams and cackles are filling her ears. But with a simple turn , she saw him. Swallowing tightly as though his throat was dry , his blue eyes glistening and moved to hers as she turned her head. Brown hair and blood spread on the cold floor . He looked 'empty' a shell of the young man she grew up with , now a fully grown man a ghost of himself , the Draco she knew gone with out a trace and only knew that if  Dumbledore and Snape were watching , they would have smiled , Dumbledore anyway , Snape would probarly nodd his head or flick his cape with dramatic flare and say -
'I helped with that'.
She missed the sullen glares and dramatic flare that was Severus Snape. Never in her mind did she think that she would have said that;Her child self wanting to punch her.
Speaking of punching , her mind's eyes drifted again to Draco.
"What a strange creautre you are Draco Malfoy, what a strange, strange creature" She muttered to herself . Finishing of the work she was doing the entire of the morning . Lunch is nearing and Harry was treating , she was glad to finally get out the bloody office and stretch her legs .


" So how did meeting with Granger go? " Blaise asked as the three sat outside at a table . The coffee shop with full and a little cold autumn air did no one any harm .Draco smiled absentmindedly.
" Fine " Draco said curtly. The couple glared at him , clearly looking for details .
"How many seconds was it until the first argument ? , my guess.. 3" Pansy smirked , lifting the fork to her lips .
" Why so gracious Pansy ?" Blaise played along , taking a drink from his coffee.
" Shove off you two , it went fine ok , perfectly actually " He stated, pushing Mia's plate closer for her to reach . The two were intrigued. "Perfectly huh?" Blaise's head filled with a short memory and looked down to his plate . " This meaning , that searing crush you had on the bookworm still lives ?" . Draco glared at him , his eyes darkening .
" Last time I checked I never had one in the first place , what are we teenage girls ? stop gossiping " He scalded . Pansy and Blaise chuckled.
"Oh Granger , thinks she's so smart very smart , but-but I-I-I'm better " Pansy mocked .
" That Granger , thinks she's so beautiful , whatever ok , she isn't...beautiful " Blaise joined . Draco's face tinted red but he hid it well .
" Oh shut up " He snarled .
" That damn Gryffindor , talking to that pair of idiots , you'd think with a mind like hers she go and talk to someone better ..not someone like me of course " Pansy said while laughing.
"What does she see in the red headed fool anyway?" Blaise added . The two in fits of laughter . " Are you children done ? " Draco said cooly . They paused trying to let their stomach relax from all the laughing . Blaise raised a finger "Hold , hold on I got another ..Her-granger , I-I-i hate her " He mused . Draco forrowed his eyebrows . Pansy looked to Blaise
"MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS " They said in unison and burst out into laughter , holding their stomachs .
"Honestly , Mia is more sensible than you two , sitting their like Hyena's , grow up " Draco folded his arms .
" Ms-Ms Grwane-ger is very pretty" Mia chirped . 
" Not you too " Draco rolled his eyes.
"You said that to Granny this Morning ".
Blaise and Pansy's eyes widened and darted them to Draco who swallowed tightly .
"I knew that was gonna come back and bite me " . Draco slapped a hand on his face.
"So you lied ? " Mia asked curiously .
"No I didn't lie "
Blaise and Pansy's eyebrows shot up with excitement.
" Then I agree with you " Mia nodded. 
" See even the kid knows that somewhere deep down inside that twisted soul and contorted mind , thinks that Hermione Granger ". "Thinks what about me ? " .

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