Chapter 8: What Makes A Mother?

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Hermione had recieved the news that the press were curious of Hermione secrets visits to the the secrets place . Being just a week at her new job and had missed near all of her press conferences , wasn't a good start. After sending the owl to Draco , she waited long for his response. Boy did he take his time .

Not that she cared , she just was a impatient human being . That's when an owl pecked at her window one Wednesday morning . Hermione opened the window and regretted it slightly as the cold seeped through and goose-bumps rose on her arms.
" Thank you " Hermione took the letter from the snow white owl . Who sat proudly on the frame , it's bright green eyes , analizing everything . Of course that's a Malfoy bird . She let out a short laugh as it flew away and she slumped on her seat.
" Right " She sighed and ripped the 'M' waxed stamp. She pulled out the letter and began to read aloud to herself .

" Dear Granger , thank you for your invitation and would love to accept , Pansy and Blaise and taking care of Mia that day anyway so your timing is perfect , I would like however to ask a few questions and advice concerning the new schooling and teachings that children are receiving these days , much regards Draco Malfoy " .

She folded the letter and placed it on her desk.
" Alright then " She nodded to it and stood from her desk and moved to the large fire place . Grabbing the floo powder she took a deep breath , cast it too the floor
"POTTER SPELL DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIES!" Green flame covered her when she opened her eyes , she was standing in Harry's office. Speaking of Harry ,who wasn't piticularly happy , glared at her as he stood near the fireplace , covered in suit.
" Oh Harry , sorry " She wiped his jacket and face . He grabbed her wrist
" How many times " He stated and she smiled apologetic toward him . "What do you want " He faked coldness , wiping his trousers down .
" Your seminar , I'm gonna need that spare ticket " She said excitedly almost . His damp exspression changed " He said yes ? "
She nodded
"Yes and the strangest thing is , he wants to talk about education for Mia ? , do you think he's looking for a tutor ? " She wondered as she sat in the seat across from him . He nodded "Probably, Malfoy did have tutors growing , he bragged himself blue about it during Hogwarts and since you are Education central , it makes sense he'd ask you , though I have to admit , I'm not looking forward for what Rita Skeeter has to say about Draco going to one of my teachings " He rubbed his face stressfully .

" Nothing we can't handle , anyway , Draco bought the company ages ago , he'll most likely stop anything he doesn't want people to find out about , though saying that , maybe it will be good , people seeing that you and him have buried the hatchet and moved on with your lives " She smiled loosely. Harry stretched
"I guess " He yawned .
" You look like you've been slapped in the face by a womping willow , tired ? " She asked . He nodded
" I spent the entire day and night trying to get this new bloody thing to work " He cursed .
" Bet Ginny wasn't happy about that " . Harry shrugged

" Actually , she's the only thing that's keeping me going , with her food and coffee visits , aswell as her input " He stated . Hermione nodded with a smile .
" How's Ron , heard you two had an arguement " She said . Harry's expression grew aggrivated
" Don't remind me , blimey Hermione , he's gonna get his arse kicked and me nor you shall help , sometimes I think he bloody deserves it " He stated .

" What happened ? "
Hermione laughed.
"I'll tell you , the moron went to the ministry last night , with the idea of death eater visits , death eater visits ?!, what the hell is wrong with him ,people want to move on from the past and it's people like Ron who rub salt in their wounds , honestly " He huffed . "Actually " Hermione pondered.
"Not you too " Harry rolled his eyes . "No , Harry I agree , but maybe that could be my cover " She said looking to the desk .
" Cover ? , speak normally " He groaned .
" The daily prophet and countless others have been down everyones throat at the ministry for a press conference , wondering where I go, when I go and see Malfoy , Merlin knowing our world they'll take it out of context , or worse they'll find out about Mia and it'll be my fault " She worried . Harry smiled for a second.
"You remember when they wrote about us " .
" Ugh , don't remind me , what I won't give to punch Skeeter's face in for that " Hermione crossed her arms and looked aimlessly . Harry looked around awkwardly
" You know Hermione , you can be very frightening sometimes " She looked to him , her exspression lifted.
"Shut up you " He smirked . Then pulled the drawer of his desk out . "Here " He took out a ticket . " I was gonna give it to Ron for a spare but , he's not on my good side anymore " He passed her it and she took it .
" Oh and I am ? " Hermione raised an eyebrow .
" You always are , now leave me be , I must get some work done " He stood . She laughed and stood too

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