Chapter 6 : Santa Blaisey

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" So she was perfectly fine with Mia " Narcissa asked her son as she played with the little girl .

" Yes , for the millionth time mum she was perfectly fine , more actually " Draco said standing up from the couch .

" She's changed a lot " The older women chimed as she passed the toy block to her grand-daughter.

" We all have, mother " Draco sighed as he placed his glass on the table .

" But , I mean in appearance , she's very beautiful " She said , hiding a smile . Draco turned to them

" Would you like my honest opinion on that ? " He asked flustered by her constant teasing. Waving his wand , making his coat and gloves appear in his opposite hand .

" I gave you mine didn't I ? " She mused .He pulled on his gloves and placed his wand back in his trouser pocket .

" Hermione Granger , has always been beautiful , even my prat of a younger self would admit that , muggle born or not " He curved a brow and swung the coat behind him and pulled it on . " Now mother , I'm going to have to break the party up as I and Mia have some buisness to attend to " He said plucking the child from the floor .

" Were are we going " Asked the little one .

" Few meetings , few business stuff and if your good , only if you are good , maybe Weasley's toy shop , maybe though " He said as he made the small matching coat to his appear , along with white tiny gloves . Narcissa arose from the floor , fixing the toys back in the box .

" Well , your father will be owling soon anyway , remember dinner next week" She stated . He nodded " Of course " He said . She walked over and kissed them both farewell

"Goodbye my darlings , see you next week " She waved , Mia waved goodbye and Narcissa apparitated back to her new home.

" Now were going to floo there cause I don't want you to have a sore tummy again" He said to her , putting on her gloves and coat . She nodded " Now , shall we ? " He asked . She nodded again and took her father's hand , whom she barely reached and they walked over to the fire place . " Hold on tight now " He said . Although he was telling her , he was the one who was gripping to her hand tightly , not sorely but with enough strength for protection . He grabbed a pile of floo powder with the spare hand and hit it off the floor " MINISTRY OF MAGIC!". With a flash of dark green , they were gone .

Here was the only place Mia was safe , from the paparazzi anyway . She could hold her father's hand and show him a affection freely , vice versa . But when she was first born , it was very hard for Draco . Sure taking care of a New-born is hard enough as it is but add a Billion Galleon company that's expanding everyday , then someone tends to get worn out . This is were Draco and his father made amends . After serving 5 years in Azkaban and community service , Lucius was free but he knew he had a lot to fix . Not only prove himself to the wizarding world and send his deepest regards to anyone whom he had cause sorrow too , but he intensely needed to make right all the wrong he did against his very own family . Draco a sceptic at first , not wanting his father's help but through the grace of his mother and some convincing friends he accepted and gave him a single chance to prove himself and he did. Now their relationship is strong but Lucius still pays the price of his mistakes each day . It was in the business that he was most useful to Draco . No one knew the company like Draco; other than his father . He knew the best sellers , buyers , Blaise helped with the paperwork and legal work . Draco could stay home at least 5 days a week just to spend it with Mia. And he did and groomed her to be the happy child she was that day. They walked hand in hand through the large room , filled with people coming and leaving from the ministry . Draco did receive a few stares but not as many as he used to at Hogwarts . He shuddered at the thought of seventh year . What a terrible one that was for him . Alone , barely a friend in the world , hated by the entire school and parents in Azkaban . Slytherin's he had grew up with hardly attended their finale year , due to the fact of fear . The supposed fearless house , cowering in a corner , made his stomach turn their was so much irony . But their was , however , the handful of people that made it that little much better . Blaise obviously , Pansy and Theo , teachers were a great support system , especially Minerva . Minerva , he laughed to himself , now he called her Minerva. It was the simplest acts of kindest of those apart of the other houses that helped him mostly.

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