Chapter 11: " She's okay Draco , she's just fine "

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Edited - 4/4/2020

There was a few things that happened all at once that confused the couple even more than the feelings that bubbled in their brains . Number one , why was Astoria holding Mia , all the while the colour of scarlet and Mia filled with sobs?
Number two, why was Luna looking the most angry she had ever looked in her entire life, all the while Rose had tears in her eyes ?
And lastly, Why was Mia and Rose, both,  screaming for Hermione?

The music had never stopped, she didn't appear as dramatic as she hoped. She did however grab a few people's attention , which Blaise was soon to call to stop the music and announce for the buffet main course had been served and thus, everyone left the ball room except the following.

Draco : Who was not liking the tightness of the grip Astoria had on Mia's arm.

Hermione : Who was standing by Luna, holding Rose in a cuddle, trying to calm her .

Luna : Who was so filled with so much fury,that if she did nonverbal magic, Astoria would be set on fire by now.

Pansy and Blaise : Who was glaring at Astoria and her dramatic flare of an entrance.

Ginny and Harry: Who themselves were trying to figure out what the hell had just happened to both little girl's they cared for.

Astoria: Who , with every ounce of her being, was sending Draco the deadliest of looks and her lips curled on her pretty face but Draco matched her venom. He was first to move, since Hermione had taken Rose into her arms .

He waltzed over , Mia climbing her mother to get to him. The little girl grunting and mumbling through her hoarse sobs. Astoria refused to let her go. She fell to the floor continuing to pull at her mother's hand but Astoria's grip was so tight that her knuckles were white;Mia's blood flow to her hand was weakening .

" What ? , In Salazar's name ! , are you doing ! " Draco cursed towering over his ex-wife.
At this point everyone in the room (Hermione
More so) believed that maybe their separation wasn't as peachy as Draco promoted it to be. Astoria matched his fury, her eyes a blaze and ready to pick a fight with her (ex) husband.

" Well, you tell me Malfoy ! " She bellowed . "Here I was , presents in my arms , a smile on my face , ready to join the party when I come across Loony Lovegood , walking away with my daughter in her arms , maybe I could have accepted that , but " She laughs and sent her fire toward Hermione " I see a little Weasly , had to be , look at the red hair and disrespect to common human cleanliness but then I saw the curls , the pip-squeak annoying voice-" Rose's lip was trembling with pain from her words "- The icing on my cake when of course it had to be a Weasly but the off spring of Hermione Granger " She scoffed. " A muggle-born central bouncing around with my Mia , my pure-blood , respectful , beautiful daughter , well had to put a end to that charade"
However, something  in the way of her speaking, it was darker. Something was not quite right but Luna cut her short, her temper unable to be controlled anymore.

"She is anything but your daughter " There she said so calmly and so perfectly, right to her face, Astoria was not happy.

"Excuse me ?" Astoria was seeing red . "Did we ask for your opinion , you unimportant imp of a blood traitor " .

"THAT WILL BE QUITE ENOUGH !" Hermione's voice was heard from every side of the grand room. Rose now in Harry's arms and Hermione now set her sights on the horrendous women. All eyes lay upon her as she walked over to Draco and Astoria . She knew of why he was so silent , she knew why he held his tongue , he knew he could murder Astoria will razor sharp mind , but with two children present he wouldn't lower to her level. " Now you may insult me , my clothes , my temporary belongings but let me tell you something You , do not , get to insult my family ! , nor anyone for that matter " Hermione stood were Draco first did and looked down to Mia , who's head hung like a rag tall , every so often , she'd tug at her mother , tug and sniff , tug and sniff , you could tell her throat was sore and hand was getting numb.

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