Authors Note .

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Hey! , I just wanted to say that I'll be going on Holiday for near a month so I don't know when I will be uploading next ....sorry .


I will say that that I'm really enjoying writing this book and if you're enjoying , please write in the comments , so I know I'm doing a 'ok' job and if there's any questions , ask ! , I'll answer .

Just to be clear , Scorpius Malfoy will be in this book ! , but just not in the usual way that's written , he won't be their kid , nor will he be a Blaise and Pansy's wink wink , hint hint .

Mia will be fully grown women by the time the book ends , or at least nearly a women , theirs going to be a lot , a lot , a lot of work in this and I'm planning to stick with it , I have so many ideas my brain might explode ! but answers will be given and twist will happen AND! romance will happen , they're having moments ok ! , it takes time , give me a break ! . Anyways .. I will be doing a fully grown up Mia , like I sad and yes , she WILL! have her own little story , not a separate book though , this is gonna be a long book ! and I'm excited for ready (hint time ) 'the future' .

I'm gonna stop before I ruin everything , last chapter I recommended songs , should I keep doing that ? , I think music really helps with a scene and get's really into it !.

Lastly , Yes I know that the descriptions sometimes differ , blue eyes , silver eyes , curly hair , tamed hair ? , I know but I wanted to write a version of Hermione and Draco where the book and the movies are both loved ! , I mean what's Hermione (book version) with out her untamed hair ? or Draco( book version ) without his beautiful , cold silver eyes ? , but then again Emma and Tom are so God damn beautiful that it's hard to get out my head , so they're a bit for both , it's why I'm look forward for Rose and Mia to grow up , have my own (book version) .

Thanks for reading , I really do hope you're enjoying reading as much as I am writing .

(has to mention the beauty happening in the picture square above the page just because ...)

-Morgan x

edit : would you like a time jump to see Mia grow up , or for it to gradually happen in the story , leave a comment let me here your thoughts about it .


I'm back from holiday! and I will be posting as soon as possible ...I promise...I will , I know I say that every time ...look it isn't my fault-..ok so maybe is...but I will post ASAP !

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