Chapter 25 - Stop Saying Things That Make Me Want To Kiss You

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So I know that the chapter was a tad..dramatic to say the least but don't worry our love birds will be flying off into the magical sunset soon.

It be stupid not to believe that all magical newspaper's ate the story alive of Atticus Scorpios Malfoy's assassination . Draco without a thought took Scorpios under his wing as he was his last remaining guardian . He thought of it well , seeing as though Mia and Scorpios being so close and would bring the two stronger and help the boy with his grief . Draco found solace else were, Hermione when she wasn't at work would bring Rose and Albus over to the mansion and stay hours and hours talking to Draco . Their relationship was something of the ages , if Atticus wasn't in the front page they were, which made it all the more sadder. At some point while walking in the street , trying to breathe properly , Hermione and Draco were bombarded by paparazzi and it was Draco disgust that forced him to say a few colourful words towards him . Which it was due to his out burst that caused him to named 'same auld drakey' in the following days headlines. He couldn't win and was worrying more and more by the minute ; for his sake but mostly Mia's .No little in 5 years she'll be revealed to this world chaotic and sad and he wanted anything other than Mia to realise that the world is not as happy as she believes it to be and certainly not as innocent .

It was breakfast , him , Mia and of course Scorpios were seated when a beautiful owl swooped through the airing windows and sat on the table .
"Hogwarts letter?" Draco took the letter from the bird who found interest in Scorpios and every time he crunched his cereal the birds head tilted .
"What does it say Daddy ?" Mia asked while feeding the owl some of her toast and jam, getting the owl's black beak covered the red jam and Scorpios being a gentlemen wiped it for her .
"From Professor Lovegood, there is this big celebration , a reunion of a sort ;my love " He explained reading the letter during so.
"You should go " Scorpios said watching the bird fly away .
"I don't want to leave you all" Draco said half regretting because he knew how smart the two children were and Scorpios knew that Draco didn't want to attend the reunion because of him.
"Uncle Draco if he so bold" he began and Draco gave him his full attention mused by his serious tone."why not we come with you, Hermione obviously is going to be your date , so I'll have Albus and ..Rose and Mia , it will be fun " this was first time Scorpios had been open in months, 5 to be exact and the boy still had nightmares and cried but here so the excited look in his eyes and a smile that him and Mia shared. Draco couldn't say no .
"I guess so, plus you'll both see the school you'll be attending " Mia eyes widened with her fathers words .
"I can go!?" Draco nodded with a smirk and Mia cried out in victory with Scorpios.
"Okay calm down , calm down , now all we have to do is get ready" Draco leaned back in his seat . Him and Mia shared a knowing look and spoke in unison.
"I'm here, I'm here" Pansy strode in with expensive shoes clicking the ground . Leo holding just about as man bags as she was was finding it hard to see to follow his mother.
"I only owled you two minutes ago?!" Draco stated as he, Mia and Scorpios had moved from the table to the living area when Pansy made her abrupt entrance .
"I know I'm sorry , but Leo and I were in Diagon Alley picking out a new suit for him for tonight and we were having such a wonderful time-" Leo who'd dumped the bags and boxes on the large sofa sighed and lay down exhausted. "Right so, whom am I dressing ?" Draco turned to Mia and Scorpios .
"Those two, I just purchased a new suit earlier this week ;so good luck trying to get to Mia do what you want "He smirked and turned to walk away.
"Don't you dare leave me with her" Mia said through her teeth grabbing his sleeve .
"I'm sorry it's the only way" He strutted off and Mia glared into his back .
"What does that even mean!" Mia yelled as she watched her dad climb the stairs .
"Here you go Scorpios , tux for you and Mia" Pansy's voice grew high pitched near the end of the sentence which only frightened Mia. She took hold of Mia's shoulders. "Ready to be dressed like a big girl?" Pansy squealed . Mia curved her eyebrow to the boys who were standing close by worrying for Mia's life. Scorpios gave a encouraging smile while Leo just shrugged . She sighed and gave her an irritated eyebrow .
"Sure" She smiled faking excitement but Pansy never took her sarcasm .
"Okay , let's go , boys go on into Scorpios's room and Mia you come with me " She took Mia's hand who scoffed at every spare second while the boys laughed lightly as she reached out a hand as if crying for help .
"What do you mean no?"
"Mia, stop being difficult"
"Your such a Malfoy, try it on"
"Mia!, listen to me!"
"Mia! Put on the damn dress or on merlins holy grave I will hex you!"
"...No" Pansy gave a frustrated groan lifting her hands to ear strangle her . Mia was currently in one dress that she'd liked being the 54th one she'd tried on and Pansy had pushed it too far to try and force her in a pink one .
"DRACO! DEAL WITH YOUR CHILD!" Pansy stood from the floor were every colour of material lay. Draco knocked the door .
"Can in come in ?" He asked kindly.
"Wish you would " Mia sneered and Pansy gave her a look . Draco was laughing while he entered but seeing Mia all dolled up melted his dungeon frozen slytherin heart .
"You look lovely" He smiled placing his hands in his pockets.
"That's what I said " Pansy grinned wickedly to Mia who glared .
"I look like an a fairy spewed on me ;I don't want to wear this okay ! Can I go now ?" She asked her dad. Something flicked inside Draco's instincts.
"Pan why not you check how the boys getting on , sure I caught them trying to put on a tie, make sure they don't strangle themselves " She smiled and nodded and left the room .
"O'right what's wrong women ?" He asked her . She crossed her arms and turned her head from him. She was severely in embarrassed as her pale skin was fiery red and her light grey eyes were watering .
"N'uffin" she sniffed . Draco let out a sigh and scratched the back of his head.

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