Chapter 24 - Devistation - part 2

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Hermione placed the second suitcase on top of the other in her hallway . Seeing the bright pink small one next to her black leather made her giggle . It was a miracle that she'd went on that trip , to take a holiday when your the minister of magic is harder than one can imagine . But the mention of Harry being her replacement was all more than convincing . But then there was the fact that Ron (who'd seen Draco leave her house the following morning dropping Rose off at her house ) was anything but amenable . So once hearing the news she could finally see her first love , Rose piped in and matched her mothers look , Ron having to face both big brown eyes and didn't win . She smiled brightly at the thought of Ron moving his face back and forth being between his daughter and best friend , he looked like he was at a tennis match .

Climbing the stairs , Hermione blushed thinking of Draco .

She entered Rose's room . She sighed seeing her red mountain of red curls being just about everywhere and her small hands clutching a letter with Hugo's hand writing . He was in second year now and Rose missed him like crazy . Hermione walked over and sat on the bed , seeing the clock turn 6am .
"Rose " she said pushing back her hair .
Her daughter wearily opened her eyes and looked up at her mum .
"Are we gonna see Scorp now ?" Hermione laughed lightly and nodded.
"We gonna meet with Mr Malfoy and Mia and we're gonna go by portkey " She smiled , Rose grinned bright and sat up putting her arms out and Hermione hugged tightly .
"I miss Hugo mummy " She said as Hermione carried her to the bathroom and turned the hot water on .
"Me too baby girl me too "
"DADDY!" Her voice screeched running into the room as Eli , holding back laughter , opened the door of her fathers bed room . She jumped like a spring and landed on his stomach which most certainly woke him up .
"Merlin" He groaned clutching his stomach and she jumped up on down on his bed .
"Daddy ! Wake the hell up !" Draco snapped his head to her . "Blame uncle Blaise " She stated and plopped beside him .
"C'mere you!" He grabbed her and tossed her upward and caught her again .
"I'm a plane !" She laughed.Draco no idea what that was but presumed it something muggle.
"Sir , your mother and father are down stairs " Eli said curtly . Draco nodded placing Mia on her feet on the bed and stood up stretching with a yawn .
"Tell them I'll be right down " Eli nodded and walked out . He turned to Mia who was jumping again .
"So , excited , aren't , you " she said through jumps .
"Oh yeah " Draco nodded . She stopped and walked over to him .
"So did you kiss her again ?" She asked and Draco choked . "Aunt Pansy says you kiss people when you love them , you love Ms Granger , so did ye " She asked . Draco who hadn't expected , was sure going send a howler to his supposed 'best friends' for this .
"Shut up you , come on " he grabbed by the waist , tucking her under his arm like a football so she was backward and her little feet kicking wildly . But laughing non the less . The elfs who was watching as Draco stomped by with Mia , stared at her as she waved .
"Hi !" She cried to them , then they awkwardly waved back . Sick of her kicking feet he put her on his shoulder and her long hair swayed back and forth as he walked .
"Good morning " Narcissa greeted seeing him .
"Where's Mia ?" Lucius asked , not receiving his tackle hug she usually gave him . Draco didn't answer but turned , showing Mia who was upside down , laughing hysterically because everything looked weird .
"I'm a bat " She cried . Her grandparents nodded with smile but unable to contain herself Narcissa took hold of her only grandchild .
"Oh how are you my little one " Narcissa said as Draco and Lucius talked business .
"Fine , my brain feels weird " Mia stated . Narcissa laughed and pressed her forehead against Mia's .
"You are so beautiful " She said giving Mia a kiss . Mia placed her hands on her grandmothers face .
"Cause you are " She sniffed and Narcissa hugged her .

"So Blaise and you can handle it ?"
"You do realise I owned the company before you son ?" Draco smirked and shrugged .
"First time I've been away since Mia was born , just-" he cleared his throat "I'm sure you'll do fine , come Mia it's 6:39 , we need to have breakfast " Draco said after shaking his fathers hand and Narcissa placed Mia back on the floor . Hooking with her sons arm Narcissa beamed with mischief .

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