Chapter 10: Our Humble Home

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Draco paced nervously. The party had less than an hour from beginning and his stomach felt as though it was about explode with nerves.

" Draco , Draco , calm down " Lucius placed his hands on his son's shoulders . Draco sighed deeply .

" I just want to make a good first impression " He stated . Lucius nodded , understanding the depth of the situation .

" Of course , now where's Mia? she always seems to help you when you're stressed " He scanned behind Draco .

" I'M COMING ! " A tiny voice squealed . They two with-held a laugh , when she came running into the ball room , from the long windy halls she'd been running in , all the while being scalded by Eli for crashing into him . " I have ...arrived " She panted , placing her hands on her knees .

" Is she five or twenty-five ? " Lucius asked Draco , he shrugged .

" I don't know myself "

" How'da look ? " She asked , taking a spin .

" Very nice, very nice indeed " Lucius nodded approvingly. A laugh came from ahead.

" Lucius , she's in pyjama's " Narcissa said , walking towards them and joining the party.The eldest Malfoy gazed back down to Mia .

" Yes..why are you in pyjama's ? " Draco asked , as Mia was dancing (poorly) like a ballerina. "Because's ...nearly ...bed-time..." She said through spins .

" But you aren't to go to your bed till much later tonight " Draco said . She stopped spinning , her blonde hair all ruffled .

" Well ..I'll be comfy " She stated and began to spin again . Draco scoffed and looked to his parents who were laughing .

"Master Malfoy , Mr Blaise and Ms Pansy are here sir " Eli bowed. Draco smiled , muttered a thank you before him and Mia made their way down the multiple stair cases , to the main stairwell , down the strips of corridors , through the last hallway , past Draco's room, down the last set of stairs , charged through the living room and Mia leaped right into Blaise's arms.

" HELLO ! " She grinned. Blaise and Pansy , used to her ..calmer sid , were a tad taken back by the excitement.

" Hullo " Blaise laughed .

" Merlin's beard , she's excited , what's got her in such a dizzy" Draco choked slightly .

" Mommy , mommy's coming! " She grinned . Blaise looked over to his friend who wasn't saying anything but looked paler than his natural Malfoy skin .

" Astoria is coming ? " Pansy whispered . Draco looked up to Pansy , Blaise was currently playing Mia , throwing her up in the air and catching her again , making her laugh .

" She said she was , but you know what she's like Pan , one minute she's here-" .

" The next she's not " Pansy finished . " You don't want to get her hopes up " She added .

He shook his head , tucking his nervous hands into his pockets .

" She only knows because she overheard me telling mother, I couldn't lie to her , it's our one rule " .

" You and your rules Draco" Pansy sighed but began on a lighter note. "I got a letter from Hermione by the way " She said as Eli took off her jacket , she nodded a thank you .

" Oh ? " Draco tried his best , to seem the least bit interested

" She's coming you know " Draco turned on his expensive shoes , facing Pansy once more , his face contorted into a 'O' face . " Yeah , with Luna and Neville , she's also bringing her precious daughter, Rose " She continued . Draco nodded , 'calmly' .

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