Chapter 27 - The Truth Finally Breathes Freely

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It was summer. Beautiful and warm outside were it bathed upon them as they sat in the garden. Hugo was teaching Mia how to catch a quaffle while in flight, Leo and Scorpios were exchanging chocolate frog cards; Rose was drawing the flowers in the garden. Harry and Ginny were seated with Lilly, there newest addition to the Potter clan with Albus trying to explain Quddich to the 5 month old and failing but never gave up. James was standing with Hugo waiting to catch Mia if she fell off the broom. Pansy and Blaise sat next to Harry and Ginny laughing at Albus and Lilly one sided conversation. But more importantly trying to encourage their daughter to go play with her brother, her name was Arianna and they'd adopted her from a muggle orphanage, after showing signs of magic they were sure it was meant to be. Draco and Hermione were seated on a swinging bench watching the children play with smiles on their faces. Hermione had her legs on Draco's lap, reading a book while he sat drawing circles on her legs and admiring the view of family. His parents, Narcissa was near puling out her hair with Mia swirling about in the air above them all and his father casually talked business with Blaise.

Eli walked out into the garden and straight to Draco and Hermione.

"Sir, I know you are enjoy your day but I believe your guest deserves your attention, she's quite distressed and very eager" Eli stated his gloved hands ringing with worry as he spoke quietly.

Hermione and Draco exchange looks.

"May I ask who it is?" His butler leaned closer upon answer.

"Ms Greengrass"

"As In?" Hermione started.

"The very same Ma'am" Eli nodded his head vigorously. Hermione looked to Draco but he did not return it, he was thinking and then gave his answer to Eli.

"Let her through" Eli left immediately.

"Draco, why I can just-"

"Hermione, love I know, but their is enough wizards here to stop an army, she'd be a fool to try anything, I want to see what she wants, either way it can't be good" They stood from the bench. "Tell them before she arrives, Eli will take her the long way, he usually does that with guest I don't like"

Hermione then told everyone, warning them of their guest-who's last interaction with them nearly killed Mia. Draco got Mia from air and told her to be seated with Harry and Ginny, alone with the other children.

Astoria Greengrass appeared from behind Eli. She looked the definition of dreadful. Her face was thin her hair grey at the roots, the clothes she wore barely fitted her and her brown eyes were red and glassy,Draco waited for her to burst into tears.

Mia however, did not recognise the women who looked yearningly at her. Who spilt tears at her, who's face moved back and forth between her and Draco. She did not look like Astoria Greengrass.

"What are you doing here Astoria?" Draco asked quickly as the air shifted from peace to distress very quickly. She looked urgent. She pulled out paperwork from her bag and walked toward Hermione.

"I'm here legally, I have paperwork to prove so, wand permits and such, in case you thought I flooed " She stated tryingly toward Hermione and handed her the paperwork. They were real Hermione knew that and couldn't help but feel pity swim in her heart for the women.

"Answer my question Astoria" Draco's voice wasn't as soft as his ex-wives. She nodded and swallowed with-holding burning tears that threatened to spill down her once handsome face.

"Yes-right, well I thought you should know, Hermione if you turn to the page behind the wand permit you will see a yellow slip" Draco wanted to roll his eyes. But Hermione listened pulled it out, she knew instantly what they were, she'd seen them so often at work.

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