Chapter 40 - Mind, Time, Love

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(Mia and Scorpios picture idea above, enjoy this chapter!, i've decided to add a few more to chapter to tie everything up, thank you so much for 1.3k! - Morgan x)

Draco stretched

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Draco stretched. He had a good night sleep. Hermione was sitting up in bed reading a book with her hair tied up out of her face and reading glasses on the edge of her nose.
"Morning" He mumbled . She turned and looked with a smile. He turned to face her ; nuzzling his face into her side wrapping his arm around her waist. She placed her arm around him stroking circles in his bare back.
"How'd you sleep?" He muttered.
"Good; Finlay slept through the night" She checked her watch. "I should go wake him up, it's 8 already" She folding the corner of the page of her book, placing it on her side table. "You should get up too; we're going to your parents house for breakfast" She said kissing his face.
"Ugggggh" He groaned rolling on his back again rubbing his eyes from sleep.
"You have Mia to wake up, I'll get Scorpios" Hermione stood up and walked over to her closet pulling a dressing gown out and putting it on. Draco sat up and looked over to her.
"Good morning wife " He smiled sheepish watching her tie the soft belt around her waist.
"Good morning Husband" She smiled putting on her slippers and left the room.
August 31st, the last day before Mia and Scorpios leave for their finale year at Hogwarts. He climbed out of bed pulling on a shirt and walked into the bathroom. Appearing a few minutes later , he walked out of the room and accidentally stood on something that made a shriek.
"Bloody damn cat!" He saw it bolt it's way up hall way. He shook his head and continued on his way. Before reaching Mia's room Hermione came out of Scorpios room.
"He's sick , temperature but just a flu" She smiled to Draco. "Scorpios says he's still come down for breakfast" Draco nodded and walked into Mia's room. He walked over opening the window to let in the warm last days of summer air in the room. He walked over to the bed were Mia was Star-fishing and he had the sudden feeling of jealousy and wanted to join her.
"Hey" He whispered and moved the arm that was over her face. "Darling, you okay?" She blinked her eyes a few times to return to the planet.
"I had a weird dream" She yawned.
"What was it about?" He asked
"It was weird but good, you and Hermione were kids and were together and everyone was back at Hogwarts" She mused.
"Sounds brilliant" He said .
"It was though slightly confusing now that I forget the details, anyways" She stretched her arms .
"You hungry?" Draco asked.
"Dad, aren't I always ?"
"True, now come on , we're going to your grandparents" He said moving her untamed hair from her face.
"Alright, alright- is baby Scorp up?"
"Yeah, though Hermione says he has the flu" She smirked "What?"
"Nothing , just... Rose had the flue a few days ago... no one else got it, now he has" She was giggling and Draco wrinkled his nose.
"Okay, okay no need to be graphic , I'm. It even sure how I feel about it"
"What Rose and Scorpios, those two are like jam and toast , perfect for each other" She stated pushing up in her bed.
"Yeah but Rose is Hermione's daughter and Scorpios is-
"Not your son" Mia answered bluntly.
"Might as well be" Draco retorted.
"He's Atticus Malfoy's son and always will be, Atticus even knew how much Scorpios adored Rose"
"That's true...come on, get dressed" He stood up abruptly.
"Why I'm going to my grandparents house surely they've seen me in my pj's before ?" She mused
"I don't really care then, just hurry up before Hermione takes a nine day fit" He grumbled and left the room.
"Dad!" She cried. He popped his head back through the door.
"I love you" She let a floppy grin fall on her face, the same one that's on her father's face. "I love you too, now hurry up" He demanded and left in a much better mood.

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