- Mia & Albus -

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A special chapter for all of us stuck in lockdown. Also a celebration for nearly 50,000 readers! Thank you again, stay safe- always - m x

It's the finale week in seventh year.In the Library - Albus is studying, well trying to.

She sits on a couch, reading a magazine. Albus is sitting in a chair across from her. He's trying to flick through a textbook, though for some reason his eyes keep wandering away from the words. They decided to fix on Mia instead, he disliked it. He hated the fact that he couldn't help it, made him feel flustered, confused. He raised his hand up to his mouth, chewing on his nail out of habit. Maybe it was subconscious trying to raise his buried feelings back from the dead. He'd long kept them hidden and scare mentioned Mia to anyone in conversation during her relationship with Theo. But now, with Theo and her's honourable break up- that part of himself woke up. He rolled his shoulders, clearing his throat;He flicked the page over. Albus tried to focus.

" The Order of Merlin (sometimes abbreviated to O.M.) is awarded by the Wizengamot,"

- Mia picks up her necklace and places it between her teeth - come on Albus, focus.

"an organisation that predates the Ministry of Magic and nowadays functions as a combination of court and parliament..."-

Mia sighs, dropping her leg and crossing the other over. Your absolutely pathetic, focus you idiot.

"The Order comprises a handsome golden medal on a green ribbon (First Class), purple ribbon (Second Class) or white ribbon (Third Class)."

Mia laughs shortly, then bites her lip. "Merlin if I could- no Albus that's your best friend you can't..who am I kidding I've been in love with her since I was five. What I wouldn't give just to kiss her, once-

"I'd love that" Mia said out the blue.
"What?" Albus choked.
"These- look" She turned her magazine and pointed out a pair of earrings.
"Oh yeah- pretty" He leaned back into the seat and closed his textbook quickly.
"Hey, dearest what's going on?" Mia reaches out and places a hand on his knee. His eyes stare at her hand, unsure what to do.
"What-? I'm fine I don't know what you mean?" He frowned deeply, moving his knee so her hand fell.
"Well" She placed her magazine aside and moved closer to him. "You've been very quiet and a bit jumpy"
"Jumpy?" He stood from his chair. "Quiet?" He laughs loudly. "See I'm fine-"
"Al?" Mia curved her eyebrow and left the couch. "C'mon you and I- we don't hide from each other" Her voice silvery.
He took a few steps back from her, his eyes taking in the room and avoiding her.
"Mia-ine," He rubbed his tired face " I mean I'm fine Mia" She went to take a step closer but he put more space between them.
"Uh huh?" She crosses her arms and pouted her lips. "Then why are you walking away from me"
"I'm not-" He groaned annoyed " I need to go" He grabs his book and heads to the exit.
"Albus, you forgot something" Mia called him. He turned and found a note pad and pen in her hand.
"Oh" He nods, quick as he could he walked to her and went to grab the book. She however, took hold of his hand.
"Al, whatever this is, I want you to know that yes maybe now your avoiding me but as someone who loves you, I want you to know that you can speak to me about this-however strange or uncomfortable you might think it is- I'll take it because that's what we do for each other" Her voice was soft, which made her all the more effortlessly striking to Albus.

How could he tell her? He who wasn't a first rate poet. How can he even fathom a sentence that would describe his feelings and how overwhelming they were. Him, Albus that was tall and clumsy, that was more Quddich player than brains? How could he spit out words worthy of her description?

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