Chapter 4:How The Girl No One Knew Met The Boy Who Lived

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Hermione was in her office . It was a paperwork day , it seemed never ending . A knock at her office grabbed her attention shortly .

" Come in " She said half-heartedly , expecting someone to come in with more paper work .

" Hermione " Ron piped as he walked in . She raised her face with a smile .

" Ron , what can I do for you ? " . He seemed strange for a second , he was looking at the floor , looking like he was trying to figure out how to word his sentence . " Is something wrong ? " She asked .

"No , no " He shook his head .

" Then what is it? " She said with a laugh , watching him curiously as the red head moved toward her desk .

" You know how Harry get's on with Malfoy now? " He asked , she sighed , she knew were this was going .

" Yes ? " . Ron sat on the seat in front of the desk .

" Well , do you , get along with him , I mean ?" He said raising his eyes to her . She gave him a lopsided smile and lowered the file she was reading , to give him all her attention .

" Where is this coming from Ronald ? " She asked .

" Oh , nothing , it's just I was at Ginny's the other night and she said you were going to do some Minister busness but it had something to do with Malfoy ? " He stated , curious . She nodded

"That is true " She said clasping her hands on the desk .

" Well , how was it ? , is he still annoying little ferret ? , or you know a death eater ? " He asked . The words made her cringe slightly for some strange reason .

" He is nothing of the sort Ron , you and I both know he wasn't one in the first place " She pointed a pen to his direction. He nodded and leaned back in the seat .

" I know it's just strange , one day we haven't talk to him since seventh year , then out of the blue ,last year Harry and him make buisness plans form a truce , now you go to his house ? you not the least bit curious ? " Hermione smiled .

" I'm not , all my questions have been answered " She stated .

" Well none of mine have ?, what is it that the Malfoy's are hiding ? " He asked . Hermione lifted an eyebrow and leaned on the desk more .

" Ron , that is none of your business " She stated . He heaved an aggravated breath . " And to answer your question " She began " Yes , I do " It was the Weasly's turn to raise an eyebrow .

" Do you now ? " .

" Yes , very much so , he has changed and I say that you should give him the beniffet of the doubt and stop calling him a death eater , holding grudges never did no one any good " She stated . He nodded " Alright then " He stood from the seat .

" You coming to the borrow for Christmas ? " He asked . She shrugged

" I don't know , I think Rose would want to stay home and Hugo misses us all terribly , so maybe;I wouldn't know , I guess I'll ask the children when the time comes , who knows " She said , unsure of what to do .

" Exactly , who knows maybe you'll go to the Malfoy Manor for Christmas " He said , laced with sarcasm .

" Yes , maybe " She said , trying to convince she was being truthful , it completely worked . He stopped in his tracks and looked at her , she raised up the file again and looked to it . "Goodbye Ronald " She smiled . He shook his head and left the room . Harry who entered as he left , whispered a hello to Ronald , who replied it sourly .

"What's got him in a mood ? " Harry asked walking over .

" When Is Ron not in a mood Harry ? " Hermione mused . Harry nodded

" True , anyway , I was going to ask you about Neville but I think I want to know what happened with Malfoy first " Harry smirked falling on the chair . Hermione loved it when Harry visited her office , it was break from her aching work scedule .

"That seems to be the question of the day; He has changed , hasn't he ? " She asked. Almost with a child like amusement . He nodded

"Let's not get started on that adorable little girl , my heart " Harry joked leaning back in his seat , placing a hand on his chest .

" You know about Mia ?, I thought Malfoy only told people that he trusts about her ? " She wondered . Harry nodded with a smile .

" I told you , he probarly did too , we made a truce , he's still Malfoy but like the Malfoy he should've been " Hermione nodded .

" So how'd you meet Mia ? " She asked .

Harry smiled .

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