Chapter 12: It's All Rather Confusing To Be Perfectly Honest..

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"Minister, Minister !" The roared her name , like a flock of seagulls at the beach fighting over a bag of chips. " Is it true you've been visiting the Malfoy Manner ! " One's voice called out in the room.
She sighed deeply .
"We have began protocol for the Ex-" She hesitated " The ex-Death-eater ..cleansing programme " She cursed Ronald over the name he picked. The group filled with excitement .
" What is this ..programme Minister " Another asked from the ground.
" I and multiple others , including Ronald Weasley will be visiting the families to see.." Again she hesitated. " To see if they're still evil " Ron laughed beside her and made the room echo with the reporters laughter too. She snapped her head to him but he ignored her . " I do not like Mr Weasley's tone and making this a laughing matter , this is important and I would like to express that this is not intimidation nor out of fear of a third war , I know that we will not suffer another , not under my watch " She spoke powerful , the room grew silent as she spoke , the sounds of her words being scribbled was all that was heard .
" Minister " A voice broke the beautiful , short silence .
" Yes " She sighed and moved her head to the young reporter .
"You still never answered my 'original' question " She cleared
" I believe I did " She said nails curling into the glass podium .
"No miss , were you at the Malfoy because of the protocol or 'other desires' revenge I suppose , it's what we are all thinking " Hermione had enough.
" Now !, let me make one thing clear , the Malfoy's were the first to be visited under the protocol , I went myself and visited the Master and he indeed change and he is the first to pass the protocol! I will like to continue that the vile thought of vengeance on a man who had no choice but to be forced on the wrong side , like many young students were at that time , has known suffer and has worked very hard to up-keep his vow of change and I suggest if you don't want another war , than you should too , we no longer live in a dark vs light world , we live in a society were people make mistakes , near all reap what they sew , do I make my self clear "

" What the bloody hell was that about " Ron chased her down the hall as she stormed down the hall of the ministries .

" I have no idea what you are talking about , but I do remember " She sharped turned on her heels nearly making him slap into her. "YOU! " She bellowed " Finishing my sentence like I was some stuttering student with stage fright" She growled .
He rolled his head and placed his hands on his face.

" Really ? , Hermione , you were scared to say the word Death eater , you've killed them before , you've jailed them , seen a war of their bodies piled up , how is it so hard to say the bloody word ! "

" Thank you Ronald , for a lovely reminder of the things I will NEVER forget , because they will haunt me , How dare you " She spoke gravelly , reminding Ron of his mother's howler . " Speak to me as if we are in Hogwarts again , even then you do not have the right , I'm the minister of Magic and I just as quickly remove your position in the Auror department as I did divorce you! "
Shit..too far Hermione.

Ron's face hardened. His face colour now matched his hair and his eyes never looked bluer.

" Ronald-" He held up his hand up.

"It's alright , tempers were high " He swallowed , his face cooling . She nodded and sighed deeply.

" Look, I just, what's the first house you're visiting ? "She tried to move the conversation .

" Theodore Nott and Daphne Green-grass " She grimaced. " "What?" She changed her expression .

"Never really liked those Green-grass girls" She answered smoothly.He raised a ginger brow.

" Yeah, you never liked Malfoy either but I guess times have changed " He walked off .

" Really ? " She scoffed , he turned still walking and shrugged .

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