Chapter 9: Christmas with the Malfoy's?

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Hermione couldn't help but be happy. Her little girl had finished school and was home for the holidays.
Hugo , had decided to stay at Hogwarts , to stay with his friends who didn't have a lot family. She had never been prouder of him. Ron had Rose the whole of Christmas Eve, then having Christmas with her;Rose however didn't mind she was just excited to open presents earlier. Hermione was travelled to the Burrow to pick her up and take her home.
When she arrived, she knocked on the door and waited for a second or two.

" Hermione dear, so lovely to see you , come in , come in " Molly greeted her, hugging her tightly. Hermione smiled.
" Thank you , Merry Christmas " .
" Merry Christmas " Molly placed hands on each side of her face .
" You get , more and more beautiful every time I see you " The red headed women grinned.
" I just about to see the same thing " Hermione replied , making Molly blush pink .

They walked through the hallway , chattering away . When she walked in she saw Rose with her arms out like an aeroplane , on Ron's shoulders , flying about around the table . Percy , Bill were in a deep conversation . Ginny and Harry were telling Albus off for pushing James down the stairs (he was fine). Mr Weasly and George were discussing the recent Quiddich game , the very last of the year and how spectacular it was .
" Looks who's here ! " Molly said , Hermione grinned as everyone cheered . Rose with her strawberry mess of curls gasped
" MOMMY! , LOOK I'M A PLANE ! " Ron continued , to make the sound affects and 'flew' all the way over to Hermione , who scooped Rose up from his shoulders and hugged her . "Having fun ? " She asked .
" Very much ! , look at my jumper " She pulled at the bottom . A dark pink with a yellow 'R' , surrounded by little roses .
" Oh , how beautiful , did you say thank you to Granny ? " Rose nodded.
" Yes , we gave her chocolates " . Hermione kissed her face
"Good" .
" She's been having lots of fun , having ye ? " Ron asked her. Rose laughed and nodded.
"Yes, very much so " . Hermione looked up to Ron.
" And how are you ? " She asked .
" Good , yeah , you staying ? " He asked , both in hope and worry .
" Afraid , I have a invitation for a party , that Rose is welcome to come as well, there's someone I would like you to meet " Hermione , finished smiling to Rose , who was playing with the necklace that wrapped around her neck.
"It ain't Malfoy is it " Ron joked . The room went silent .
" Why yes , yes it is ? , have you been given a invitation ?" Hermione asked , clearly knowing he hasn't . Ron's face, grew redder than his hair .
" W-what? " He swallowed . Harry stood "Yes ,I'm attending , both Ginny and I" Harry spoke softly , as if to be invited to the Manor a normal thing .
" You've got to be kidding me " Ron scoffed . "You know , it's the funniest thing , you talking about the Malfoy's , I bumped into Lucius at the toy shop in Diagon Alley , the toy shop of all things ! , he was buying princess-y stuff I used to buy Ginny " Arthur said , everyone glancing back to him.
" How strange " Percy laughed.
" What he say ?" Bill asked.
" He apologised " Again the room filled with silence .
" Like a real , apology ? " Molly asked . "Yes ,genuinely , a real one, he even mentioned , dear Fred , bless Fred " Arthur smiled fondly . George nodded
" What he say about Fred ? " He asked curiously .
" Said , he was deeply immensely sorry , he couldn't imagine what it would be like to ..loose a child , if he lost Draco , he said he'd be broken ".

" Well George ain't Bloody! lost is he ! he's gone! , killed ! , dead ! " Ron said in fury .

George stood , walking over to Ron .
" Now you maybe a man , you're a good brother , good dad , but I'll tell you one thing , holding grudges never did anybody no good , I lost my twin , the person I've been with since birth , I did 'loose' him , lost a part of myself , now you got a good reason to be angry at Malfoy , for the torture he put you through at Hogwarts but he wasn't him that screamed the curse that took our dear Fred , he ain't the one to blame , be angry for his childish behaviour , but not Fred , don't do this , not at Christmas " George placed his hand on Ron's shoulder . The house was quiet , the only sound was Ron's heavy intakes of breath, his eyes darted over his brothers , glistening with water .
" George I-".
Here was Ron's fault , the one thing that made people distance from him . Yes he had a temper , but so did all Weasly's . He felt , everything , so deeply , it was a gift and a curse. When Fred was taken , it left a whole in the entire families heart , but Ron , a man who felt so brilliantly was taken by his grief and swallowed up by it's control and was the man that stood before his family. Fred was his weakness , Fred was his fault and in his own , strange belief , he blamed himself for Fred's death. Blamed himself for not being stronger , better for his lost Brother , for not being there to help , to save him . His pride shattered , his heart gone , his family silent . For the first time , Ron grieved properly , his 5 stages were stopped , stuck on anger and denial . Now he could move on , truly . George and everyone , was swallowing back tears , Molly and Ginny unable to , silent tears falling down the their round faces .
" I-just , he just-" Ron spluttered , his own tears coming for show . George grabbed the back of Ron's head and pulled him into a tight hug . Ginny soon joining , then Percy , Bill wrapped his arms around them , Molly and Arthur soon joining , Harry stood behind Ron , an arm on his shoulder , the other gripping Ginny's and Hermione standing my George , Rose hugging her legs . Albus and James heads hanging by their parents .Hermione decided to stay for a few more hours .

" Well I'm glad , because I believe only mum gave her gifts , we lot didn't " Percy said , motioning the others . Molly made a killer dinner and everyone had to unbutton their trouser buttons. Everyone was happy, everyone was together. That was until Draco was mentioned once more-

" So , you're going to Malfoy's tomorrow ? " Ron asked staring down at his cup of tea.
" No , just at night , it's a buffet and a get together , Luna and Neville's going , Pansy as well " Hermione said taking a sip of her own tea-cup. Ron nodded
" Give Blaise my regards , he's decent " He spoke , almost like he was telling himself . Hermione nodded.
"I forgot to tell you all , Blaise and Pansy decided to adopt the little boy I was telling you all about last week " Hermione sat up excited , everyone grew smiles .
" That's wonderful ! " Molly clapped .
" Yes , I know what it feels like to be a orphan in a world that doesn't make sense , I'm glad he'll be with people that will take care of him " Harry said , helping himself to a biscuit from the table. Bill laughed slightly.
" Oh he'll be spoiled alright , Blaise and Pansy have one of the biggest vaults in the bank ! " They all smiled a little bigger .
" Who has the biggest vault Uncle Bill ? " Albus asked . They all the answer to that Question . Bill cleared his throat
" Mr Malfoy " .
" Which one ? " James asked " Their's two " He added . Again Bill cleared his throat , taking a drink.
" Uh , Draco Malfoy "
Ron's eyebrow curved . "Oh stop walking around on egg shells would ye " Ron stated with a stifled laugh . " We all know that the prat has the biggest Vault , just plain common sense " They all agreed .
" Then if your so ok with the conversation , you showed know another , I gave Malfoy my spare ticket " Harry said , he was still peeved at Ron , so Hermione could sense the playfulness in this confession . Ron snapped his head to her .
"But I was going to invite a friend" Ron said . "Well , guess you can't " Harry pushed the glasses up form the bottom of his nose.
" She's gonna pissed at me" Ron sighed .
" She? " Hermione asked . Ron paled-
" Um , yeah , she " He hid behind his tea cup .
"When I say 'She' Ronald I mean who ? I might know her" Hermione pushed with a laugh.
" Yes, well, Lavender , was very interested in Harry's work-" .
" Lavender Brown ? " Harry asked .
" Y-yes , she's a friend , who's coming instead?" Hermione bit inside her cheek , before Harry could speak she bet him to it .
" A friend of mine , Draco Malfoy " She stood to her feet. " Well darling it best we get home, before Santa comes " Rose leapt up and grabbed her mother's hand . " Thank you for everything , she placed her belongs and gifts in her bag that was endless .
" See you all at new year " She grinned , everyone waved by and her and Rose left with a great 'CRACK' of magic , leaving Ron speechless .

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